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technically, no, that's why it is called a dead ball, all runners go back to the bag they were at before the play started. unless it is a ground rule double, however, then the runner gets two bases from where he started when the play began. so if the player began on second, he can score.

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Q: Can a runner score on a dead ball?
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If the batter/runner is contacted by a fair ball when they are out of the box they are out and the ball is dead thus no runners can advance. Given this the answer to you question is no they can not score.

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If a runner is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder, the runner is out. The ball is dead and no runner may score. And no runner can advance, except runners forced to advance. [Rule 7.08(f)]

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No. Runner is part of the field, therefor the ball is in play and the runner is out.

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According to MLB rule 7.08(f) "A runner is out when ... He is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder. The ball is dead and no runner may score, nor runners advance, except runners forced to advance." Since the ball is dead the instant it touches the runner, where it goes afterwards is irrelevant.

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No, the ball is not dead and the batter may attempt to hit it.

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If the runner is standing on a base, nothing happens; the ball is live. If the runner is not standing on a base, the ball is declared dead and the runner is out.

Is the ball alive or dead when hitting a runner in fair territory?

It depends. Is the ball being thrown or is it hit. If it's hit off the bat and hits a base runner it's a dead ball and the runner is out if the ball has not passed a fielder. If the ball has already passed a fielder then the ball is live and the runner is not out. It is as if it never happened. If it hits the runner when it is thrown it is perceived as if it never hit the runner.

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Only if it is ruled interference by the umpire -- dead ball and runner is out, no other runners advance.... if no interference is called, this is a live ball

Is the ball still alive when an advancing runner is hit with a batted ball?

No it is a dead ball

If a batted ball hits a runner and pops up in the air and a fielder catches the ball is the batter out also? soon as the batted ball touches the runner, the ball is dead.

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The ball is dead and the runner is out.

How do you indicate a runner hit by a batted ball in the score book?

With a note at the bottom.