No, lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. But at such a young age you need supervision, and make sure you do it correctly. There are many benefits of weight training, even at this age.
There is no evidence that weight lifting stunts growth. In fact, bones can become stronger from the exercise. Science has proved that weight training will not stunt your growth even if you start at as young as 10 years old. The real danger is if your not supervised and have bad form injuries may occur.
Yes, this is old enough. Lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. Just make sure you do it correctly, and get supervision at first.
Yes, this is old enough. Lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. Just make sure you do it correctly, and get supervision at first.
around 12 years old
They use the excuse "I don't want to be bulky," when in reality it takes years of natural weight lifting to become "bulky."
When they are 15 years old and can confidently use the correct technique.
No, weight training in general does not stunt your growth. This is a myth, as people thought the growing ends of the bone could stop if damaged, but this is undocumented. Pushups are very beneficial to kids and teens.
Bigger, faster, capable of lifting greater weights and capable of flying at higher altitudes.they areused for bobingghjkshbnfvdshfourd
no. it in fact encourages growth. i started training when i was 16 and actually got taller as a result. even when i was 11 i lifted weights sometimes and i was still the tallest kid in my grade. still am :)
It actually is okay to lift weights at your age. I am a 14 year old girl and i bench press a bunch of weights and i have not stunted my growth. Guys are mad to lift weights I'm not suppose to lift weights but i am strong enough to do it. The answer to you is yes.
No. There is a myth that bodybuilding will stunt your growth, but it is just that; a myth. It should be noted, however, that until your body starts to produce testosterone, you won't see massive size and strength gains. My father had me lifting weights at 6 years old. I suffer no adverse effects from it.
no im 14 and i lift all the time and im 5 11