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Well, that's a pretty small linebacker. I'm an 8th grader from Oregon, and am 5'10" 150. I play inside linebacker. I bench 160, so I'd say you should be benching 120 minimum (your body weight) but 130 is a good goal.

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12y ago
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11y ago

120 pounds? If you are 6' tall and weigh 120 pounds you are dangerously underweight. Do not lift anything, you need to see a doctor and eat more. At that BMI you are at a higher risk for heart attacks and your immune system is sevearly compromised. Gain about 40 pounds of fat before you worry about lifting

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14y ago

if you wight 120 you should bench 120 or more

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Q: How much should you bench press if you weigh 120 and 6'?
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It all depends on how much you weigh. The ratio between how much you bench and how much you weigh is the most important aspect. If you weigh 120 and bench 185 its fantastic because your benching 1 1/2 times your weight. Anything over your own body weight is impressive.

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How much should you be able to bench press?

you should be at least able to bench your own weight but if you can't then you are pretty weak my bench press is 100 pounds max at a body weight of 96 pounds but keep your self at a pace you can do you dont want to hurt youself. -- Everyones bench press max is different. I weigh 130pounds, my 5 sets of 5 is with 130 pounds and my max is 170pounds. 30-40pounds above your 5 by 5 max is a pretty good guesstimate of your one rep max if you are around my weight. i weigh 139 and can do 190

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