Most men who don't lift weights cannot bench their own bodyweight until they have trained for a while. If you weigh 95lbs and have never lifted before start with 60-80lbs for 8-12 repswhen that becomes easy, obviously add a bit more weight
I weigh 145lbs and I can bench 190 (1 rep max) but I've trained for about 1 year
An advanced 225 athlete should be able to bench press about 300lbs.
you should weigh 85 pounds
At ten years old you should weigh about sixty pounds. At ten, you should weigh 60-80 lbs.
You Should Weigh in 110-140 pounds
They should weigh around 70 pounds.
You should weigh between 114 pounds and 144 pounds. At this height, obesity would start at 180 pounds for female or male.
they should weigh about 75 pounds to 100 pounds, if they are above five feet. or at least thts how much i weigh and i still can afford to lose a few pounds!
Depends on your height.
you should weigh from 90 to 110 pounds
45 pounds
i think that a 9 yr. old should weigh 60-90 pounds i weigh 85 pounds and i am 9
120 pounds to 130 pounds
you should weigh about 30 to to 40 pounds. if you are 3'1 to 3'9 youu should weigh about that much. an average baby of toddler should weigh to about 20 to 40 pounds. over that, they are obese for a baby or a toddler.