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yes, but runner must not advance to next base until ball is caught by defensive player.

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I would say yes, because if a runner is struck by a ground ball that is in foul territory, that means HE is in foul territory, and off the base paths. Hence, he would be called "out".

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Q: Runner on base advance after a fly ball catch in foul territory?
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Old mlb rules hitting runner with ball?

If a runner is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder, the runner is out. The ball is dead and no runner may score. And no runner can advance, except runners forced to advance. [Rule 7.08(f)]

What happens when a baseball hits a base runner and goes into the dugout?

According to MLB rule 7.08(f) "A runner is out when ... He is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder. The ball is dead and no runner may score, nor runners advance, except runners forced to advance." Since the ball is dead the instant it touches the runner, where it goes afterwards is irrelevant.

What happens to a runner when theres batter interference?

If the runner is in fair territory then the runner is out. But if the ball hits the runner in foul territory, then it would just be a foul ball. If the ball hits the runner in fair territory, the runner is out but if the batter is safe to 1st then they would be safe.

Is runner out if fielder does not field the ball and the runner is then hit by the ball?

If a runner in fair territory is struck by a batted ball prior to the ball having been fielded, the runner is out.

Is a base runner out if he touches a ground ball that is in foul territory before the other team?

If the ball is in foul territory and hits a base runner in foul territory then it is a foul ball, so no he would not be out

A batter is touched by a fair ball and is declared out with a runner on first can the runner on first advance to second or must he stay at first?

If a runner is touched by a fair batted ball, in fair territory, before passing a fielder, it's interference, the ball is dead, the runner is Out, and all other runners must return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch, unless forced to advance due to the batter being awarded 1B on the play.

Does runner have to tag after the catch or upon first contact of the ball?

U have to wait until the ball is caught to "tag up". That is incorrect. Runners trying to advance on a fly ball may "tag up" and advance when the fielder first touches the ball. If that were no so, fielders could intentionally juggle the ball and attempt to pick the runner off who ran too early.

When must a base runner tag up to advance to the next base?

When the batter hits a fly ball and there are less than 2 out the runners have to stay where they are until either the ball is caught or until they know for a fact that the ball won't be caught. If the ball is caught, they have to tag up, otherwise they can just keep on running.

Can he advance after he is hit by a thrown ball if it goes out of bounds?

NO... anyball landing foul is a foul ball and is a dead ball ...Clarification:the way i read this question is "if a thrown ball hits a runner and goes out of play can the runner advance?" -- If this is the question you are asking, then, yes, a runner can advance on a thrown ball that goes out of play. Runner will be allowed to advance 1 base after the ball goes out of play. The only time this wouldn't be the case is if the runner was running to 1st and the ball hits him and it is deemed interference, he would then be called out.The question is a bit unclear, so it really depends on what you are asking

If a batted ball hits a runner on third base but the ball hits the runner on the foot which is in foul territory is he still out?


Is a runner out if hit by batted ball while standing on a base?

From the official rule book Rule 7.08: the runner is out if "He is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder. The ball is dead and no runner may score, nor runners advance, except runners forced to advance. EXCEPTION: If a runner is touching his base when touched by an Infield Fly, he is not out, although the batter is out; Rule 7.08(f) Comment: If two runners are touched by the same fair ball, only the first one is out because the ball is instantly dead. If runner is touched by an Infield Fly when he is not touching his base, both runner and batter are out." Rule 7.09 is also relevant. The runner is not out if 1) the ball was first deflected by a fielder or 2) if the umpire is convinced that the ball went through or past the fielder untouched, and in the umpire's judgment no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball.If, in the judgment of the umpire, the runner deliberately and intentionally kicks such a batted ball on which the infielder has missed a play, then the runner shall be called out for interference." However, if in the umpire's judgment the runner intentionally kicks the batted ball, the runner shall be called out for interference. If a runner is touched by a batted ball in foul territory he is not out though.

Can a pop fly be a sacrifice if its hit into foul territory?

yes, if it is a fly ball and it gets caught, any base runner can try to go to the next base. for example, a runner on third tags up on a fly ball. the right fielder catches it in foul territory. as long as the runner on third is on the base or goes back and touches it after leading off, she can try to steal home.