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You can reach base without a hit via the following: 1. Walk (aka Base on Balls) 2. Hit by Pitch 3. Fielding or Throwing Error 4. Passed Ball on Strike Three (The pitch gets away from the catcher after a swing and miss strike 3 and the batter can reach 1st base before the catcher throws to the 1st baseman) 5. Reach on Fielder's Choice (another baserunner is thrown out) That's all I can think of.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

depends on how many innings there are and what the ptcher throws at the batter. the max number of balls thrown could be 2 strikes and 3 balls.

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Q: How many chances does the batter have to hit the ball before running to first base?
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Who gets to first base first - left or right handed batter?

A right handed batter would get to first base first because a left handed batter has to take extra time turning around to start running.

Is a batter out if the first-baseman controls the ball on the ground before the batter reaches first?

no.Unless the first baseman is touching first base.

What does the batter do if he or she hits the ball fair?

Drop the bat, and start running to first base.

When a pitch hits the ground before it hits a batter does the batter get first base?

No, in that case it is a ball.

What is the rectangle used for on the foul side of the first base line on the baseball field?

The batter is supposed to stay within the rectangle when running to first base. If the batter is outside the box and gets hit with a thrown ball, they can be called out for running outside the baseline.

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When was Running Before the Wind created?

"Running Before the Wind" is a novel by Michael J. Daley that was first published in 2014.

What does fielders choice mean?

The fielder who caught the ball had the option to either get the batter running to first or another runner. Example: With a runner of first the batter hits the ball to the short stop. The short stop choices to throw the ball to second to get the runner out but the batter reaches first base safely.

If a runner from third crosses home before fielder tags runner running from first on batted ball does run count?

If you mean that there are already two outs, then, no, the run does not count. Any time the batter is put out before reaching 1st base, it is considered a force out. Therefore, no run counts on a play where the batter makes the 3rd out before reaching 1st base.

Is the batter out if a batted ball hits him as he's running to first base?

If the batter is outside the batter's box, and is in fair territory when the ball hits them, then yes they are out. If they are in the box, or in foul territory when the ball hits them, it is just a foul ball.

What happens if a batter hits a ball that hits first base before the batter gets there?

Should a batted ball hit any base, the ball is considered fair and live and the play continues. It is still up to the defense to field the ball and touch first base before the batter does to record an out.

In baseball what is the extra line-box going down the first base line and what is the ruling for a batter-runner going to first base Does he have to stay within that box?

That extra line creates a "running box". When a batter puts the ball in play, while running to first base he must run in that box until reaching first. If not, he may be called for interferrence should a fielder, usually the catcher, throw to first and hit the batter/runner if he is outside the box in fair or foul territory.