The play is dead, the runner that was hit is out, and the batter reaches first base and is credited with a single.
The fielder who caught the ball had the option to either get the batter running to first or another runner. Example: With a runner of first the batter hits the ball to the short stop. The short stop choices to throw the ball to second to get the runner out but the batter reaches first base safely.
Yes. The only time it is not an official "At Bat", is if a batter reaches base on a base on balls, hit by pitch or catcher interference. A batter is also not charged with an "At Bat" if he hits a sacrifice fly (a fly ball out that results in a runner tagging up and scoring), or a sacrifice bunt that advances a runner or runners. He is also not charged with an "At Bat" if the batter reaches base as a result of an error on a sacrifice fly or sacrifice bunt.
Ten - First batter reaches steals two bases tagged out at plate. Second batter does the same. Third batter steals two bases and fourth batter steals one. Ten is the answer but alternatively, first batter gets on and steals two bases (2). Next batter reaches first and steals second (3). Third batter reaches first and now with three runners on each base a triple steal could be executed with the 3rd base runner being tagged out (5). Repeat last sentence, (7). Then the fifth batter gets walked, and a triple steal is attempted. The runner from third gets caught in a rundown. The runner from second steals third (8). The runner from first steals second and third (10). Then one of the three runners now between third and home gets tagged out before the lead runner can score.
No, it is simply ball four and the runner is safe and the batter is awarded first base on a base on balls.
If the runner remains standing on the bag when the 1st baseman touches the bag and the 1st baseman does not tag the runner prior to touching the bag, then the runner is safe and you have no double play. Answer To clarify, once the Batter becomes a batter-runner, the runner at first loses his right to occupy first base and is forced to advance. If he is tagged while standing on the base, he is out. If the first baseman then steps on first base the Batter-runner is also out -- Double Play. BUT, if the first baseman first steps on the base the batter-runner is out and the force is removed. If the runner standing on first base is now tagged he is safe.
Every run produced must have a runner reach first base.
Yes. The batter would be credited with an at bat and an RBI.
True. While it seems logical that the batter-runner and the runner who is to be played on for completion of the double play should be called out, the rules of baseball state that in this case the batter-runner and runner closest to home are called out. A dead ball should be called and any other runners are sent back to the last base they legally obtained.
Nothing happens to the batter. The runner who interfered is called out.
That depends on how the batter is put out. If the batter is put out by throwing to the first baseman who touches first base before the batter does, the run will not count because the play is considered a force out. No run can score when the batter or another runner is put out by a force for the third out of an inning. However, if the batter is tagged out and the runner from third scores before the batter is tagged out, the run does count because the runner was not forced but instead tagged. Only if the batter runner is tagged out after he reaches first base (in attempt to get to 2nd base for example) does the run count. If the first baseman was pulled off the bag on the throw and was able to tag the batter runner before he reached first base, the run would not count. It is still considered a force play (NFHS Rule 2-24-1). The above answer is incorrect. MLB rule 4.09(a) states: One run shall be scored each time a runner legally advances to and touches first, second, third and home base before three men are put out to end the inning. EXCEPTION: A run is not scored if the runner advances to home base during a play in which the third out is made (1) by the batter-runner before he touches first base; (2) by any runner being forced out; or (3) by a preceding runner who is declared out because he failed to touch one of the bases. Note the exception. No run scores when the third out is made by the batter-runner before he reaches first. Doesn't matter if it's a force or a tag on the batter-runner.
No, because the 2 part means the runner on third was thrown out