There are many different hits that can give a player a safe passage to first base. A player can hit a line drive, a ball up the middle, a ball off the walls around the stadium, a home run, etc. Batters can also reach first through a error made by the defensive team.
In Baseball or softball, when a batters hits the ball and makes it safely to third base it is called a triple.
What the name of the hit that gets the batter to first base safely
No, once you are tagged out you don't get credited with anything if you are the one at bat. Now if another batter hits the ball and there was already a man on base at first and he gets tagged at 2nd base, then yes the man on 1st base would get the single from his previous at bat If the batted ball was cleanly a base hit and he was thrown out trying to advance past first base then the batter would be given the hit corresponding to the last base the batter reached safely. If the batter was thrown out at second, the batter would be given a single. If the batter was thrown out at third, the batter would be given a double. If the batter was thrown out at home plate, the batter would be given a triple.
No. Any base runner that gets on base and scores is charged to the pitcher that pitched to him, regardless whether the batter reached base by a force out, error, catcher's interference,etc.
The error stands as the batter reached a base safely.
No. He hasn't earned being on base by safely hitting the ball so he gets no credit for a hit.
Provided that there were no runner on 1st base and batter reached 1st before runner were tagged out, this is a hit. Batter alreay had first base, runner chose to go to 3rd, not forced. If he were forced, then it is a fielders choice.
If the player gets to second base on his hit, it is a double. If a player is on first base and goes to second base on a pitch during another player's at bat, it is called stealing second base. If a player is on first base and goes to second base on another players hit, walk, ground out, etc., it is called being advanced to second base.
Not unless the next batter gets a walk as well. Runners can only move on base hits or walks.
If there are less than two outs, yes. If there are two outs, this is a timing play. If the runner crosses home plate before the batter is thrown out at second base, the run counts. If the batter is thrown out at second base before the runner crosses home plate, the run does not count.
No when the batter gets hit by the ball it is called and walk and the batter gets to go to first base
No. A sacrifice is when the batter turns around to bunt and lets everyone on the defense know what they are going to do. The batter is 'sacrificing' (allowing the defense to get him/her out) so the runners can advance one base.
no because if he made it safely he is A OK