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If the player gets to second base on his hit, it is a double.

If a player is on first base and goes to second base on a pitch during another player's at bat, it is called stealing second base.

If a player is on first base and goes to second base on another players hit, walk, ground out, etc., it is called being advanced to second base.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

its called a double play. it is the same as if a ball is hit up the middle and the shortstop gets it and gets the runner out at second and then throws to get the guy out at first

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βˆ™ 13y ago

a double

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Q: What is it called if a batter hits and reaches second base?
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What is a base hit?

A base hit is a hit in the sport of baseball in which the batter safely reaches base.

If a batter reaches base via a bunt is it counted as a hit?

It is.

Every time a batter reaches first base the next batter hits a double Every time a batter hits a double the runner on first scores Jon reaches first base What can you deduce about Jon?

That Jon will score when the next batter hits a double.

If a batter reaches base on an error is it an official at bat?

Yes. The only time it is not an official "At Bat", is if a batter reaches base on a base on balls, hit by pitch or catcher interference. A batter is also not charged with an "At Bat" if he hits a sacrifice fly (a fly ball out that results in a runner tagging up and scoring), or a sacrifice bunt that advances a runner or runners. He is also not charged with an "At Bat" if the batter reaches base as a result of an error on a sacrifice fly or sacrifice bunt.

What is the most steals a team can get in an inning without scoring a run?

Ten - First batter reaches steals two bases tagged out at plate. Second batter does the same. Third batter steals two bases and fourth batter steals one. Ten is the answer but alternatively, first batter gets on and steals two bases (2). Next batter reaches first and steals second (3). Third batter reaches first and now with three runners on each base a triple steal could be executed with the 3rd base runner being tagged out (5). Repeat last sentence, (7). Then the fifth batter gets walked, and a triple steal is attempted. The runner from third gets caught in a rundown. The runner from second steals third (8). The runner from first steals second and third (10). Then one of the three runners now between third and home gets tagged out before the lead runner can score.

Is it still a force play at second base if the batter reaches first base before the force play is made at second base?

Yes it would still be a force play at 2nd base, since the runner going from 1st to 2nd is required to advance (since the runner going to first, has not been put out yet)

How many ways to score from second base?

You can score from second base several ways. First, you can score on a single if it is hit far enough. You can also score on an error. You can steal third and make it home on a bunt or a hit. You can reach home from second base with a sacrifice hit, or an extra base hit by the batter.

Does a Batter have to run to first base in foul territory after bunting or dropped third strike?

No, but he must run in the "runners box" when he reaches that spot down the first base line, or he may be called out for interference.

Is the batter credited with a double if he is thrown out while advancing to third base?

No, once you are tagged out you don't get credited with anything if you are the one at bat. Now if another batter hits the ball and there was already a man on base at first and he gets tagged at 2nd base, then yes the man on 1st base would get the single from his previous at bat If the batted ball was cleanly a base hit and he was thrown out trying to advance past first base then the batter would be given the hit corresponding to the last base the batter reached safely. If the batter was thrown out at second, the batter would be given a single. If the batter was thrown out at third, the batter would be given a double. If the batter was thrown out at home plate, the batter would be given a triple.

How often is a run produced when the first batter reaches base?

Every run produced must have a runner reach first base.

Is a batter out if the first-baseman controls the ball on the ground before the batter reaches first?

no.Unless the first baseman is touching first base.

If a batter reaches 1st base as the result of an error but gets thrown out trying to reach 2nd on the same play is the error negated?

The error stands as the batter reached a base safely.