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i am 12 and i weigh around that i do loads of weights and i can bench press around 60 KG

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Q: What is the average bench press for a 100 pound 12 year old boy?
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Is a 315 pound bench press good for a 50 year old male?

it will depend on what kind of bench it is :P

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How much should a thirteen year old 124 pound boy bench press?

it really depends on the strength of the kid, but on average its between 60lbs. to 80 lbs.

How much can the average 30 year old bench press?

If by average you mean a mostly sedentary individual weighing about 165lb? In the region of 119lb for a single rep.

Average strength of a fourteen year old boy?

40-50 push upps, 100 pound bench press for most 14 year olds. im 13 and can do 100 push upss and bench 140 but im a helth freak, but only 4,11 and 120 pounds(pure strenght),

What should a 12 year old at 81 pounds bench press?

about 7 stone im 13 and can bench press 10-11 stone and that's quite a bit above average.

What is the average bench press for an 8 year old?

90-10,000 pounds. 90-10,000 pounds.

What is the average bench press for 67 year old male?

Don't know what the answer is for the average, but I will be 63 this year and can bench 200 lbs.

Is it ok for a 13 year old to bench press?

Yes, this is about average for someone your age. You're nothing special, sunshine.

What should the maximum bench press rep be for a 6 foot 4 210 pound 17 year old boy?

they say you should be able to bench your own weight but if you have been training for awhile your muscles will let you bench a lot more than your weight.

How does a 14 year old boy get big pecs Relatively fast?

a 14 year old boy shouldn't workout too much as his muscles are still forming and growing. Exercises that will help to enlarge the pecks are barbell bench press, incline barbell bench press, decline barbell bench press, and decline dumbbell bench press.

How much pound should a 16 year lift?

a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.