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Q: Is a 315 pound a good bench press for a 50 year old male?
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Is a 315 pound bench press good for a 50 year old male?

it will depend on what kind of bench it is :P

How many times can the average male bench press 150lbs?


How much weight can you bench press im male 13 5 foot 4?

It mostly depends in your weight, a really good bench for any age is your own body weight.

What is the ideal amount of bench-press weight for a 25 year old male?

125% your weight for example if you are 195 pounds 244 pounds is a good number.

What is the most a male ever benched pressed?

Gene Rychlak had the heaviest bench press at 1010 pounds.

What is the average bench press for a male over eighteen?

At age eighteen the average is about 180, but that number drops with age.

What is an above average bench press?

There are several factors. A persons body weight and age are a pretty good indicator. This is very general of course. To be a good bench presser its usually a matter of simple practice and technique. However if you can rep your own weight you are most likely above average. If you can max out at 100lbs past your weight thats also a good indicator your pretty strong. Ex: 175 body weight x 10 or 275 at one rep max.

You are 127 pounds 5 foot 7 and 21 years old you are male you think you can bench press 75 pounds is that good or bad?

The fact that you can benchpress anything is enough to be happy about. what the hell!!!! I'm 150 lbs , 5 foot 9 and I'm only 12 years old and i can bench press 110 lbs

What is the most a chimpanzee bench press?

A healthy man can bench his own weight, the average being around 185 lbs. A gorilla, highland silverback, the biggest of the gorillas, is said to be between 12 and 20 times stronger than a man. Just multiply 185 by those figures and it will give a ball park figure of what a gorilla can do if taught to bench press. On the animal channel, it stated that a large male silverback gorilla has the strength to press over 4600 pounds.

What is the average bench press for 67 year old male?

Don't know what the answer is for the average, but I will be 63 this year and can bench 200 lbs.

How much can a freshman bench press?

that all depends on your bady structure build and how often and how much you exersice but do not push yourself over your own limit... I would say for a guy 80-150lbs and girl 40-120 I agree somewhat with the above answer, but 120 for a freshman girl is ALOT. Any woman who can legitamately bench press that, regardless of her age, has my wicked respect. I know some guys who, as freshmen, could bench press 345 pounds, while weighing 240. But others I knew bench pressed only the bar, so i agree there is a wide range of capability. I would say that a very impressive bench press for a freshman male is 200 pounds and up. For a girl, 90 pounds and up is similiarly impressive. Boy, the above poster sure has some high expectations in the bench press..... >.<

What is the average for a 17 year old male that's 5'6 to bench press?

im 13, im 5'9 and i can lift about 100+, so its depends on weight and everything :s