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Considering the age of the person its not a bad weight at all too be benching, but compared to the size of the person it's slightly low. The moto "If yo can bench your own weight your strong" comes to mind here, but keep it up and youll be there in no time

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Q: Is 180lbs a good bench press weight for a 220 lb sophomore in high school?
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145-175 is a good starting point.

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I use a dumbells and weight bench ONLY routine.

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What can Bench Press?

you should bench your weight or more

How much do you have to weight at age 13?

you should only bench press your own weight, if more, good. im 13 and i bench 170. i only weigh 97 pounds, 5' 0". i dont care if you believe me or not but it is true. at school kids say i take steroids, i walk like im buff. but you should at LEAST bench your own weight

As a sophomore football player in high school at 6 foot 200 pounds how much should you bench squat and power clean as a defensive end?

As a sophomore in HS you should ATLEAST being doing 135. Since you are a defensive end I'd say around the 200 area. As well as Bench, atleast 210 Max. And for squat 350-400 im 15 going in to my sophomore year i bench 195 and squat 315 and clean 170 also am 6 foot 200 pounds but im a linebacker for a dfensive end id say you should be benching 220 and squatting 350-400 i have a friend that is our same size he benches 230 and squats 550 i dont know if this helped you or not but i tried

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you should at least be able to bench body weight, and squat 1.5x body weight. Competitive players bench 2x body weight, and squat 3.5x. -EXSS major

Where should I purchase my weight bench?

Sears is a good place to purchase a weight bench and you can find a Sears store nationwide. The following website should assist you with your purchase of a weight bench:

In gym what are curls and bench presses?

Curls and bench presses are weight training moves. Curls use free weights and bench press involves a weight bar with weights on it and a bench to lie down on.

Who has the Bench record at 148 weight class?

The guy who has the record is tim biagas jrbenchressing 240lbs his sophmore year of high school.

In this bench press. Bar holder is there To keeep the bar weight?

This bench is not designed for the bench press there is no bar to ssuppot the weights for bench press.

How much weight does desean Jackson bench press?

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