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No, I think you should probably start out at about 10-15 pounds and work your way up. Trust me, you do not want to start out at 30 lbs. or greater, if you haven't been doing it for so long. Work your way up and look up some excersizing tips online or on YouTube. =)

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Q: How much should a 13 year old girl bench press at a weight of 105?
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How much weight can an average freshman girl lift in bench press?

15% less than your weight if it's a girl.

How much should you bench press if your 15 and weigh 13o pounds?

If your a guy then you should bench up to 145 & if your a girl you should bench up to 95 or more. However, that generalization really depends on your height and body type. If you are tall or overweight, then you will press less than someone who is shorter or stockier, respectively.

How much weight can an average eighteen year old girl lift?

The average 18 year old female in good shape should be able to lift at least 30 pounds with no effort. To bench press, it should be anywhere between 20 to 50 pounds.

How much should 15 yr olds be able to bench press?

I am a teenage girl with limited regular physical activity, but I started taking weights gym in September. My max bench is 100lbs and I am one of the stronger girls in my class.

How much should a 15 year old boy bench?

All people have different body structures. If they have broader shoulders then 25- 45 pounds and if there more slim the 15-20

If I can bench press 110 5 times what's my max?

Not much about the same of a 15 year oldanorexic girl.

How much can a freshman bench press?

that all depends on your bady structure build and how often and how much you exersice but do not push yourself over your own limit... I would say for a guy 80-150lbs and girl 40-120 I agree somewhat with the above answer, but 120 for a freshman girl is ALOT. Any woman who can legitamately bench press that, regardless of her age, has my wicked respect. I know some guys who, as freshmen, could bench press 345 pounds, while weighing 240. But others I knew bench pressed only the bar, so i agree there is a wide range of capability. I would say that a very impressive bench press for a freshman male is 200 pounds and up. For a girl, 90 pounds and up is similiarly impressive. Boy, the above poster sure has some high expectations in the bench press..... >.<

99 pounds is to heavy or to light for a girl who is 5ft and 12 years old?

Oh yes it is. I bench press that much. But I am a boy. Plus I am 15 years old. I am 5'9. I was 5'8 last year when I started bench pressing.

What should be weight of 3.6 years old girl?

The ideal weight of a girl aged 3.6 years should be twelve kg.

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I am a girl my heigh is 153 cm what should be my weight

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You are a 14yrs old girl your weight is 77kg iwhat should you do to reduce your weight?
