To learn weight lifting without injuring yourself you will need to start slowing in the beginning. Do not attempt to much weight to begin with and slowly add more.
Yes, reaching out to people who have experience and can offer you advice in proper weight lifting technique will help prevent you from injuring yourself. In fact, it could be considered quite inadvisable to lift weights without consulting with an experienced weight lifter or trainer.
No. This is one of the things that is commonly misunderstood about lifting heavy weights. Lifting weights is not bad. There are people that squat four times their body weight and they have never been injured badly. If you do exercises with proper form, you will be able to gain muscle without injuring yourself.
weight lifting. remember muscle weighs more than fat.
No, boxing is not weight lifting
drink water
To be honest, I'm just starting out in weight lifting. But to me, power, as it relates to weight lifting, is the ability to consistently lift a given amount of weight.
breath out when lifting and breath in while you lower the weight
These terms are used in weight lifting. They are different techniques of lifting the weights.
Weight lifting is not illegal, but the most weight ever lifted was by Louis Cyr. He lifted 4,175lbs onto his back.
Weight-lifting is also known as "pumping iron".
This depends on the person and the kind of weight lifting you do. The short answer however is that lifting weights should help you to lose fat and gain muscle. If you are lifting heavily in order to gain muscle mass, you will gain weight. However, if you are lifting to get lean muscle, it should help to lose weight.
You can go out for a jog, workout, eat healthy, etc.