Weight lifting is not illegal, but the most weight ever lifted was by Louis Cyr. He lifted 4,175lbs onto his back.
500 lbs.
In the comics, Spider-Man's maximum lifting strength has been depicted as being able to lift around 10 tons. However, his strength level varies depending on the storyline and version of Spider-Man being portrayed.
More than you can that's for sure
I think that you should weight around 160 pounds minimum to 200 maximum.
It would depend on the woman's strength, fitness level, and the weight of the man. In general, it may be challenging for a 70-year-old woman to lift and carry a full-grown man due to potential physical limitations and risks of injury.
If they get legally married while the man is in prison, they are legally married when the man is released from prison.
His suit is fiction- just like Iron Man- and is not required to follow the laws of physics. It is entertainment.
It is possible if a woman is very strong. Depending on the man's size and weight could be a factor too, but yes- I do not see how it could not be possible.
Lift/lifts. As in: I lift weights. The man lifts the table.
Here's what my high school football coach used as the benchmark for his players: Power clean: body weight Bench: 1.5x body weight Squat: 2x body weight Dead lift: 2.5x body weight Probably less than half of the guys could actually lift that much. I would say for a regular joe, if you can bench more than your weight and squat more than 1.5x your weight, you're not doing too bad.