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No, it does not stunt growth. The ends of the bone are still growing when young, and some people thought that if the bone was broken your growth would be stunted, but this is undocumented. Lifting is very beneficial at all ages.

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* First, it's important never to make major changes in your exercise or dietary patterns without obtaining your physician's approval in advance. In other words, check with your physician. Unless you have some physical anomaly, he or she is likely to encourage you. * Second, it's critical to learn proper exercise technique. For example, do not bounce at the bottom of squats. The last thing you want to do is to injure your joints. * Third, don't try to design a set of exercise [a routine] for yourself. Find an expert who has designed a set for beginners.

If you follow these tips, you not only won't stunt your growth, but you will benefit yourself in many ways.

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obviously each individual is different, but for some people 15 is the minimum age to start, 16 for others.

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Q: Can weight lifting stunt your growth if you 15 years old?
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Why does lifting weights stunt your growth?

There is no evidence that weight lifting stunts growth. In fact, bones can become stronger from the exercise. Science has proved that weight training will not stunt your growth even if you start at as young as 10 years old. The real danger is if your not supervised and have bad form injuries may occur.

Lifting weights at 8 years old affect your growth?

No, lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. But at such a young age you need supervision, and make sure you do it correctly. There are many benefits of weight training, even at this age.

Will lifting at 14 years old stunt your growth?

no im 14 and i lift all the time and im 5 11

Can lifting weight stunt the growth of a 20 year old?

By the time a person is 20 years old, it is most likely that they have stopped growing. Weight training, done correctly, is extremely beneficial to bone and muscular health, and can prevent conditions such as osteoporosis in old age.

How old do you have to be to bench press?

Any time a person starts to lift they should wait until they have passed up their puberty years because heavy strains on the body before your done growing could cause a stunt in your growth but if your not worried about that with proper weight lifting gear and lifting tackicts there is really no age to begin whenever you feel comfortable with it.

If your 14 years old should you lift weights?

Yes, this is old enough. Lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. Just make sure you do it correctly, and get supervision at first.

12 years of age old enough to lift weights?

Yes, this is old enough. Lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. Just make sure you do it correctly, and get supervision at first.

Do pushups and situps stunt growth?

No, weight training in general does not stunt your growth. This is a myth, as people thought the growing ends of the bone could stop if damaged, but this is undocumented. Pushups are very beneficial to kids and teens.

How to stunt a rabbits growth?

Don't stunt a rabbits growth. How do you stunt a humans growth? Don't stunt a humans growth. A rabbitis,as humans are, a living, feeling, breathing creature. To attempt to alter in any way, the growth rate of a rabbit will negatvely effect this creature. Try stunting a human first, then pubicly demonstrate it. Think of the reaction.Rabbits have been targeted for vivisection for years, give them a break. P.S DO NOT STUNT A HUMAN'S GROWTH

If you are kicked in the genitals at 16 years of age for example would this stunt growth?


Does crunches stop height?

human growth stop at about 16 - 18 years old ... working out be for you growth has stop can stunt your growth ...

How much exercise does a 14 year old need per week?

Depending on the health of the teen, this will vary. Yet, if you are dealing with a teen who is at a healthy weight, it is not really necessary to do heavy-duty workouts (weight-lifting, etc.) this is because weight lifting can stunt the growth of teens. Focus on getting 60 minutes of physical activity daily (ex. bike riding, rollerblading, running, etc.) If you are looking to lose weight limit carbs and get plenty of exercise.