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The runner is not out and play goes on. Rule 7.09(k) states a runner is out when:

"A fair ball touches him on fair territory before touching a fielder. If a fair ball goes through, or by, an infielder, and touches a runner immediately back of him, or touches the runner after having been deflected by a fielder, the umpire shall not declare the runner out for being touched by a batted ball. In making such decision the umpire must be convinced that the ball passed through, or by, the fielder, and that no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball. If, in the judgment of the umpire, the runner deliberately and intentionally kicks such a batted ball on which the infielder has missed a play, then the runner shall be called out for interference"

Since the ball touched the fielder first and then the runner, play goes on.

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Q: If a batted ball glances off of glove and then hits runner is the runner safe or out?
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A fair batted ball strike the base runner after deflecting off the pitcher's glove?

Its a live ball

A runner not touching the base and a fielder touches him with a glove and ball is?

The runner is out as long as the fielder you touches has the ball in his glove

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No. To force an out, the defensive player has to touch the runner with the ball or touch the runner with the glove while the ball is in the glove. A thrown ball touching a runner does not count.

When a player steals and the fielder tags runner and his glove falls off and ball stays in glove is he safe or out?

The runner would be safe. This is the same as if the ball were dislodged and falls out of the glove.

Fielder throws his glove at a batted ball but does not touch the ball what's the ruling?

The ball is live and in play. There is no penalty unless the glove touches the batted ball.

Is runner out if fielder does not field the ball and the runner is then hit by the ball?

If a runner in fair territory is struck by a batted ball prior to the ball having been fielded, the runner is out.

What happens to the batter runner and other base runners if a batted ball hits a runner before passing an infielder?

If a runner is touched by a batted ball while off base before the ball passes an infielder (other than the pitcher), it's dead ball, runner is out. If the runner is on base when touched by a batted ball, it's live ball and play continues.

If a batted ball hits a runner and pops up in the air and a fielder catches the ball is the batter out also? soon as the batted ball touches the runner, the ball is dead.

Is it an out if the glove with the ball touches a base and then pops out of the glove?

This would probably be the judgment of the umpire. If he felt the ball was under control as the fielder touched the base, the runner would be out. If he felt that the ball was not fully under control and hitting the base caused the ball to come out of the glove, the runner would be safe.

If the runner is tagged out then the fielder drops the ball and the runner touches the base is he out?

I will assume you mean when a batter has hit a ground ball to an infielder and the throw to first pulls the first baseman off the bag. On any force play, and the above would be considered a force play since the batter is forced to run when (s)he hits the ball, the batter would be called out because it is only necessary to have full possession of the ball and touch the base before the runner does.

Is runner out if he misses touching home plate and catcher drops ball and runner swats it away?

Yes, runner cannot intentionally dislodge ball from fielders glove.

Is the runner out if the fielder touches him with his body and not the ball?

No, he must be tagged with the ball, either while still in the glove or with the ball. He can't just be touched with the glove without the ball in it either.