In the event of a batted ball being hit on the fly and was caught by an Infielder or Outfielder on the fly before it hit the ground, it will be ruled as a Fly Out and in the event of there being no outs, one out or two outs and in the event of there being runners on base, runners will have to return to their original bases prior to the pitched ball before they can advance to the next base.
There are two types of umpire interference: when the umpire hinders the catcher's attempt to throw the ball and when an umpire is struck by a fair batted ball before it touches or passes an infielder, other than the pitcher. In the case of interference on a catcher's throw; if the throw retires the runner, the play stands, if not, the ball is dead and all runners return to their bases. In the case of interference on an infielder, the batter-runner is awarded first base and all other runners advance only if forced to do so.
It depends. If a runner is in foul territory, and is hit with a batted ball, before the batted ball reaches 1B or 3B, then it's foul. But if a batted ball hits a runner in fair territory, before passing an infielder other than the pitcher, time is called, the ball is dead, and the runner is declared out for interference. The batter is awarded 1B, but all other runners must return to the base they previously occupied.
From the official rule book Rule 7.08: the runner is out if "He is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder. The ball is dead and no runner may score, nor runners advance, except runners forced to advance. EXCEPTION: If a runner is touching his base when touched by an Infield Fly, he is not out, although the batter is out; Rule 7.08(f) Comment: If two runners are touched by the same fair ball, only the first one is out because the ball is instantly dead. If runner is touched by an Infield Fly when he is not touching his base, both runner and batter are out." Rule 7.09 is also relevant. The runner is not out if 1) the ball was first deflected by a fielder or 2) if the umpire is convinced that the ball went through or past the fielder untouched, and in the umpire's judgment no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball.If, in the judgment of the umpire, the runner deliberately and intentionally kicks such a batted ball on which the infielder has missed a play, then the runner shall be called out for interference." However, if in the umpire's judgment the runner intentionally kicks the batted ball, the runner shall be called out for interference. If a runner is touched by a batted ball in foul territory he is not out though.
runners batted inn
MLB Rule 5:09 states The ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, without liability to be put out, when -- ... (f) A fair ball touches a runner or an umpire on fair territory before it touches an infielder including the pitcher, or touches an umpire before it has passed an infielder other than the pitcher; ... runners advance, if forced. Since the batter becomes a base runner as soon as he hits the ball, this would mean he goes to first base. Although I admit I may be mis-reading Rule 5.09; you may wish to read it yourself.
If you are referring to runners already on base, then that runner is considered out because of interference with the ball that was in play.Clarification:Above answer refers to a batted ball that was not touched by a defensive player first. In a situation where a thrown ball or a deflected ball gets stuck in a offensive player's (runner's) jersey then it is a dead ball. The runners will get to advance to the base they are going to and then the play is over
If a baserunner is in foul ground and is hit by a batted ball, the ball is declared foul and all runners return to their previously occupied base, regardless of whether or not the runner that was hit was standing on the base.
If a base runner is hit by a batted ball before the ball contacts, or passed an infielder they are out... once the ball passes, or is contacted by an opposing player there is no penalty for being hit.
batter is out, runners do not advance
The runner is not out and play goes on. Rule 7.09(k) states a runner is out when: "A fair ball touches him on fair territory before touching a fielder. If a fair ball goes through, or by, an infielder, and touches a runner immediately back of him, or touches the runner after having been deflected by a fielder, the umpire shall not declare the runner out for being touched by a batted ball. In making such decision the umpire must be convinced that the ball passed through, or by, the fielder, and that no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball. If, in the judgment of the umpire, the runner deliberately and intentionally kicks such a batted ball on which the infielder has missed a play, then the runner shall be called out for interference" Since the ball touched the fielder first and then the runner, play goes on.
If it is a batted ball, the batter and all runners are awarded 3 bases. If it is a thrown ball, the batter and all runners are awarded 2 bases from whatever base they had occupied when the ball was thrown.