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Q: Does air pressure inside a football effect how far you can throw it?
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How can air pressure effect how far you can throw a football?


Why does the air pressure in a football effect how far you can throw it?

because ur hand wont beable to grip the ball

What factors make someone able to throw a football far?

The Pressure of your hand and how hard you throw it

Does hand size have an affect on how far you throw a football?

Nope, i have a friend with huge hands who sucks at trowing a football. I also have a friend who has smaller hands but is better.

How does a glove effect how far you throw a football?

On cold or rainy days, a glove gives the thrower of the football better grip, so the ball won't slip while he is attempting to throw. With less slippage, the ball gains speed and distance.

How do girls throw a football?

The same way that males throw an (American?) football.

Which is easier to throw a baseball or a football?


How do you say I like to throw and catch a football?

I say it this way: "I like to throw and catch a football."

What percent of girls can throw a football?

no very many about 30% can throw a football really good. Hope this helped!!(:

How do you throw the football on popropica American football?

snowman balls

Is a wet football better to throw than a dry football?


What is the distance you can throw a football on a standard football field?

Well, many quarterbacks can throw 60 yards, the farthest recorded throw, was 45646 yards by Donald Trump's hair.