Nope, i have a friend with huge hands who sucks at trowing a football. I also have a friend who has smaller hands but is better.
Yes, because the bigger it is, the bigger your hand has to be to throw it and have control. Also if it's more heavy it won't go as far.
yes! the bigger the hand, the better the grip and stronger the muscle
Depends on the size of your hand. You have a large hand then get a large ball, small hand get a small ball. Your hand should be able to cover half of the ball while passing.
No it doesn't really matter it is just if you can throw far.
the size as an NFL football
No all it does is make an air bubble at the joint of your bones. It makes no affect whatsoever on your hand size. Your hand size is all determined by your genetics.
Probably a social media for football will help you know.
Yes, it is very important.
Get one of those kid-size belts, wrap it around a football and throw a perfect spiral.
In my league (Sierra Youth Football & Cheer): Mighty Mites: pee wee size football Jr Pee Wee: junior size football Pee Wee: junior size football Jr Midget: youth size football Midget: youth size football
YES! the size of the planet does effect your throwing ability! If you get each planets' gravity number then you will notice that the smaller the planet the less gravity force/attraction it will have. If you go to Jupiter and throw a football the gravity will pull down on the football faster and make your throw much shorter than it would on Earth because Jupiter has a bigger gravity number then Earth.
Snug on their hand; if it's too tight, it won't fit, if it's too loose, it won't stay on well and if a fast pass is throw and it hits the glove in a loose part, it could rip that part off if it's loose enough...