

Which is easier to throw a baseball or a football?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Which is easier to throw a baseball or a football?
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What kind of ball is easier to throw?

really a regular baseball is easier to throw than a softball

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Will a football or a baseball accelerate faster?

it depends how hard you throw each

How far can you throw a baseball and football?

I think I can throw a football preety high. The weight of the football helps the ball travel at a high speed so when I let go of theball it takes off fast. As it gets higher and gravity starts to pull it down, the weight will act against it and slow the ascent. Once it reaches it's peak, the weight of the football will make it fall to the ground faster.

If you throw football 70 yards how fast can you throw baseball?

I'm guessing between 95 & 105 miles per hour

How do you throw a long pass in football?

If u play baseball then u must know what a crow is. take a crow hop and throw it aahard as u can!

How do girls throw a football?

The same way that males throw an (American?) football.

Witch is harder football or hockey?

It would probably be hockey. You need to learn to skate, skate with a stick, control the puck. In football, you have to learn to throw/catch the ball, but running is easier than skating.

How do you say I like to throw and catch a football?

I say it this way: "I like to throw and catch a football."

Sporting events in the 1960's?

Baseball, Football, Hockey, and Soccer, They were the big ones and i guess you can throw rugby in there if you want to

What percent of girls can throw a football?

no very many about 30% can throw a football really good. Hope this helped!!(:

How do you throw the football on popropica American football?

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