no very many about 30% can throw a football really good.
Hope this helped!!(:
The same way that males throw an (American?) football.
In Brazil 80 percent of the people play, both boys and girls.
I say it this way: "I like to throw and catch a football."
how many boys play football in the uk compared to girls
snowman balls
In American football (gridine) you kick and throw it. In Irish football (gaelic) you kick, hanball and throw it. Soccer - Kick and Throw Aussie Rules - Kick, HAndball, SMILE!!!!
Well, many quarterbacks can throw 60 yards, the farthest recorded throw, was 45646 yards by Donald Trump's hair.
you throw it with your fingers on the laces
When the ball goes out of play and you throw it in. A bit like a throw-in in football