90-100 mph
that depends on the person. Adrian Peterson can run 100 yards at a record of 12. something seconds, and he is very fast
Vida Blue could throw pretty fast since his Fastballs would clock around 100 mph.
depends on how fast you throw them.
In 2004, radar clocked a ball thrown by the pitcher Randy Johnson at 102 miles per hour. Randy Johnson was a pitcher in the major leagues who played for different baseball clubs, including the New York Yankees and Giants.
75 yards i looked it up in traing camp
90-100 mph
Vince Young with his unorthodox side arm delivery can yield an NFL football 70 yards
John Elway was clocked at 61 mph.
it goes really fast
I think I can throw a football preety high. The weight of the football helps the ball travel at a high speed so when I let go of theball it takes off fast. As it gets higher and gravity starts to pull it down, the weight will act against it and slow the ascent. Once it reaches it's peak, the weight of the football will make it fall to the ground faster.
He can throw maybe 90-85 yardshe's done a 99 yards , according to guiness world records anyway.99 yards was his official longest ball, but that wasn't all in the air. I have seen him throw it 75 yards though... hope that helps.now 70-75 yards before 75-80 yardsFrom the link mentioned directly below, we know its at least 76 yards. I have also read about throws of 78 yards and even 87 yards.See Related LinksSee the Related Link for "Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Search for Favre)" to the right for the answer.
There is no such thing as the fastest football. Footballs can't be fast. It depends how strong the quarter back is because if the quarter back is really strong he can throw it really fast and far. So theres your answer.
It all depends on how fast that you throw the ball.
73 mph
Answer55-60 yards in a game he said but he thinks that if he really tried he could throw at least 70thew it 66 in a game