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I'd put you at fullback or lineback. Kickoff special teams, too. I highly doubt you can run a 3.9 if so, you would be in the NFL right now hands down why lie dumie

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Linebacker or safety

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Q: I am fifteen and run a 4.57 in the forty yard dash you bench 240 and squat over 400 pounds what position should you play?
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What football position should you at 5'9 and 190 pounds and 16 years old?

Bench Warmer

What football position should I play at 5'3 158 pounds I can bench 200 as a max not sure what my 40. dash is. I rep 135 for bench?

I think you should play halfback! You are low to the ground and pretty strong so you should be able to run a few people over.

Would you consider it strong if you could bench 93 pounds at 103 pounds body weight?

No, you should be able to bench your weight at least.

What weight can a York fitness bench withstand during bench presses?

The York fitness bench can withstand a large a mount of weight. When in the bench press position it can withstand up to four-hundred pounds of weight.

You are 27 and weigh 182 pounds how much should you be able to bench press?

You should be able to atleast bench over 385.

If your 15yr old and weigh 140 pounds how much should you bench?

Probally 300 pounds

If im fifteen and you can bench 210 is that good?


How much weight should you be bench pressing when you weigh 142 pounds?

I bench 190 for 5 reps and 185 for six reps and I weigh 142

What should a a person who ways 140 pounds bench press?

somewhere between 1 and 2 times your weight 1 time your weight average fitness 2 times your weight very impressive fitness This is wrong. If you bench your weight, that's really good. I'm 15 and I weight 150 pounds and I'm 5'9". I bench 165 and this is considered very good for my age and weight.

How much pound should a 16 year lift?

a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.

How much should you bench-press if you weigh 153 pounds?

Most men who don't lift weights cannot bench their own bodyweight until they have trained for a while. If you weigh 95lbs and have never lifted before start with 60-80lbs for 8-12 repswhen that becomes easy, obviously add a bit more weight I weigh 145lbs and I can bench 190 (1 rep max) but I've trained for about 1 year

How much can branch warren bench?

He can bench about 45 pounds