somewhere between 1 and 2 times your weight
1 time your weight
average fitness
2 times your weight
very impressive fitness
This is wrong. If you bench your weight, that's really good. I'm 15 and I weight 150 pounds and I'm 5'9". I bench 165 and this is considered very good for my age and weight.
A person in reasonable shape be able to bench press his own weight. Any amount above that is considered a remarkable feat.
You should be able to atleast bench over 385.
It took me about 6 months to be able to bench press 225 pounds.
he can bench press 225 Tiger woulds can bench press 190lbs.
He can bench press around 800 pounds without a suit.
about 7 stone im 13 and can bench press 10-11 stone and that's quite a bit above average.
238 pounds
300+ pounds.
you should bench your weight or more
Chuck Liddell can bench press 50 billion infinty......infinity times quatrillion pounds. Give or take a few pounds.
800 pounds!! isn't that crazy and he could bench press 500 when he was 17!! CRAZY!!