a 16 year old should be lifting in his bench press around 150 and 200 pounds, if you bench within these numbers than your in pretty good shape. But if were talking about squating it should be around 200 threw 250 pounds , but most 16 year olds barely squat as much as bench.
There is no set amount that a person should be able to lift based on their body weight.
its depends on how much you weigh u should be able to do atleast 70 to 80 percent of your weight but sometimes after youv been liftin for a while u can do more like im 13 and i weigh 130 and i lift 155
I can lift 45 to 55 pounds I work out a lot.I think a 11 year old boy should be able to lift 25 to about 30 or 35
Depends, my friend is about that size, and he's almost as strong as me, and I'm 6'2" 195 pounds, and I'm 14
a 13 year old girl can lift 89 pounds!!
they should be able to lift about 75 tons on there toung, and lift about half of America on there little finger
if you do lift weights,be sure not to lift to heavy weights........im 11 and i lift weights ,and do push ups,and chin ups.
I think they should eat a whole lot of eggs and a balanced diet
about between 60-90
sure, it makes you more strong and it funP.S. i am 12 and i lift 4 pound dumbells so you ca lift 5 pounds (: ,:p
The average 18 year old female in good shape should be able to lift at least 30 pounds with no effort. To bench press, it should be anywhere between 20 to 50 pounds.
I give my daughter who is 8, 1 pound a week, if she is good.