It stands for Penalties In Minutes. Each penalty is assigned a certain amount of minutes - most minors are 2 minutes; double minors are 4 minutes; majors are 5 minutes; and game misconducts are 10 minutes. This stat keeps track of the total amount of minutes the player has accumulated for the year.
You get a "+1" for being on the ice when your team scores and a "-1" when your on the ice when the opposing team scores
Penalties in minutes
No signed Hockey Man
Hockey Just hockey Hockey on ice is called ice hockey
Ice Hockey is Hockey played on ice; as compared to Field Hockey which is played on grass.
Ice hockey is more watched do I think ice hockey :)
in an ice hockey rink
ice hockey = Eishockey
ice hockey
wnen dicover ice hockey
They do not have an ice hockey team.۴ۥ
a puck