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Just hockey

Hockey on ice is called Ice Hockey

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Q: What do you call hockey that is not played on the ice?
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Related questions

When hockey is not played on ice is it called land hockey?

You can call it land hockey or just hockey

Is there such a sport called ice hockey?

Ice Hockey is Hockey played on ice; as compared to Field Hockey which is played on grass.

Are Hockey made of ice?

Yeah that's why they call it ICE HOCKEY

In which sport do you play with a puck?

The Game of Ice hockey is played with a Puck.

What was played first ice hockey or field hockey?

Hockey was historically not played on ice until around the invention of modern ice hockey. This was well after the creation of modern field hockey, which itself derived from earlier variations. In short: field hockey was first.

Where comes the words hockey?

the word ice hockey comes from the word " ice hurley" which was a form of ice hockey played in Canada in the 1800

Is ice hockey only played in India?

No. It is played in other places besides India. Canada is famous for ice hockey.

What is a ball used in ice-hockey called?

Ice hockey is played using a puck not a ball.

What sports are not played in India?

Hi, Baseball, Ice Hockey, Rugby are the few games not played in India hope this helps

What is the name of the game that is like hockey but played on ice?

well there is ice hockey and there is curling which is more like shuffleboard on ice

Which two sports are played on ice?

Curling & Ice Hockey

Can you use a plastic blade in ice hockey?

No. Ice Hockey is meant to be played with wooden or aluminum blades.