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the proper answer is an 8.
or if these rowers are using two blades (sculling) it is called an octuplate

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Q: What is a boat called for 8 man rowing?
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What causes an 8 man rowing boat to flip?

Their Weight

What is the maximum of people on a rowing boat?

The most people in a rowing boat is 8 not including the cox.

What is the Name for a long narrow boat?

Generally a long narrow rowing boat (varying from 1 to 8 persons) is refered to as a "rowing shell" or simply "a shell"

An eight is a boat used in rowing races how many people are in it?

8 and a coxswain

What side of the rowing boat is the stroke side?

the stroke is not a side it is a certain seat in the boat. the stroke is the seat closest to the stern of the boat. in an 8 man boat it is seat number 8 with bow being seat number 1. in a four it is the number 4 seat and so on and so forth

How fast does an 8 man rowing team go?


What do call a team of oarsmen?

there is no such boat that exists. in rowing there are single man boats (1x or referred to as a single) a 2 man boat (referred to as a double or a pair) a 4 man boat (a four) or an 8 man boat (an eight). including the coxswain there can be a 5 man boat in a four but not six ^^This is incorrect as a 6 does exist though it is not very common, people don't race in 6's and most people don't know they exist unless their club owns one. I don't know exactly what they are called but I guess it's easiest to just refer to it as a 6

What is a long narrow boat called?

In rowing, a boat propelled by oars is normally called a shell. Based on how many people are using the boat, and eight has eight rowers, a four has four rowers with one oar each and a quad has four rowers with 2 oars each. A pair has two rowers with one oar each while a double has two rowers with two oars each. A single has one rower with two oars in it.

How long is an eight-man shell?

The most well known rowing event at the Olympic games involves the eight (8+) rowing shell. This shell is very fast with eight oarsmen producing a huge amount of power propelling this 65-foot boat.

What is sweep rowing?

"sweep rowing" is a type of rowing stroke. A sweep oar boat is where each rower has only one oar, on alternate sides down the boat, and a sculling boat is one where each rower has 2 oars, one in each hand. A sweep rowing boat can hold 1, 2, 4 or 8 rowers, and a sculling boat can hold 1, 2 or 4.

How many players in rowing?

You were probably thinking about how many athletes. You can row in 1x ( one man rowing with two oars ) , 2x (two men each with one oar ), 2 - (two men each with one oar ), 2+ (two men each with one oar and a cox ), 4x (four men each with a pair of oars), 4- (four men each with one oar), 4+ (four men each with one oar and a cox) and there's 8+(eight men each with one oar and a cox). But that's it ;)

What is faster sculling or rowing?

Sculling boats with the same number of people are faster than Rowing (one oar) boats. However the fastest Olympic class boat is the coxed 8 (which is a rowing boat). This is because there is no 8 person sculling boat and the fastest sculling boat is the coxless quad.