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"sweep rowing" is a type of rowing stroke. A sweep oar boat is where each rower has only one oar, on alternate sides down the boat, and a sculling boat is one where each rower has 2 oars, one in each hand. A sweep rowing boat can hold 1, 2, 4 or 8 rowers, and a sculling boat can hold 1, 2 or 4.

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14y ago

Competitive rowing is a sport in which you compete against a number of different teams during "regattas". The sport it popular among the Ivy League schools, as well has a number of other division 1 and division 3 schools. Sweep rowing is different from sculling because each rower only has one oar as opposed to two. The most competitive sweep races are the races in which boats of 8 rowers (plus a coxswain) compete.

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A word often associated with the sport of rowing, is sculling. This is a method of using oars to propel watercraft.A form of rowing is two-oared sculling. Another form is sweep rowing, in which a rower has only one oar.

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Orienteering, kayaking,motocross, or rock crawling? NONE of the above as sculling is rowing with two blades(oars as you may call them) and Forward sweep is just normal rowing (with one oar) in a pair, four or eight. A 'forward sweep stroke', 'sculling draw' and the 'hanging draw' are all different canoe/kayak paddle strokes.

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This question makes no sense, as there are many more than two people involved in olympic rowing. If you are talking about two categories of people in a rowing boat, then there are the rowers and the coxswain. Or maybe you are refering to sweep rowers and scullers. Or maybe ports and starboards. ...

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Sculling boats with the same number of people are faster than Rowing (one oar) boats. However the fastest Olympic class boat is the coxed 8 (which is a rowing boat). This is because there is no 8 person sculling boat and the fastest sculling boat is the coxless quad.

What is the difference between scull and sweep oars?

Sculling = One oar in each hand and a sliding seat. Usually 1,2, or 4 rowers written as 1x,2x,4x. Steering can be done by varying the amount of pull on each side. Sweep rowing = Two hands on one oar. Each rower takes one side (port/starboard) so there needs to be an even number of rowers. Sliding seat. 2,4, or 8 rowers. Often (and always with 8 rowers) has a coxswain to steer and coordinate. Rudders is used. Usually written as 2+,4+, 8+ (rowers w/coxswain) or 2-,4- (w/o coxswain)

What is the future tense of sweep?

The future tense of sweep is "will sweep" or "is going to sweep."

How do you play rowing?

You dont play rowing you row(insert what you are rowing here)

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