In rowing, a boat propelled by oars is normally called a shell. Based on how many people are using the boat, and eight has eight rowers, a four has four rowers with one oar each and a quad has four rowers with 2 oars each. A pair has two rowers with one oar each while a double has two rowers with two oars each. A single has one rower with two oars in it.
A long narrow racing boat is called a racing shell.
This is because it is a narrow boat
Some small narrow boats are called canoes, others are called kayaks.
Some small narrow boats are called canoes, others are called kayaks.
Generally a long narrow rowing boat (varying from 1 to 8 persons) is refered to as a "rowing shell" or simply "a shell"
A long narrow cut is called a slit.
I think boat but this is a badly worded question
Rowing Shell.
Sounds like you're thinking of a kayak.
I suppose the narrow bow of a boat is a wedge
A long narrow cut could be called a gash or a slash, depending on the context or severity of the wound.