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The most people in a rowing boat is 8 not including the cox.

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In rowing the boat is driven by what?

Either oars OR people power.

What is small rowing boat called?

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An eight is a boat used in rowing races how many people are in it?

8 and a coxswain

What is rowimg?

Rowing could be an argument between two people. Or it could be the act of using oars to propel a rowing boat across the surface of water.

What is another name for a rowing crew?

a crew, a boat, a lineup, a rowing team are all commonly used by athletes in the sport. I'm a 4 year rower and we call it just simply "crew" and when we refer to the people in our boat we call it "our boat". A lineup is the allotmant of people from bow to stroke seat.

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If the boat has an oarsman...a Coxswain.

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Does rowing a boat increase or decrease friction?

Rowing a boat increases friction. The oars create resistance against the water, which generates friction that helps propel the boat forward.