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8 and a coxswain

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Q: An eight is a boat used in rowing races how many people are in it?
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What is the maximum of people on a rowing boat?

The most people in a rowing boat is 8 not including the cox.

Why nine people in eight person rowing?

the last person in the boat is called the coxwain or the cox and it is their job to stear the boat and to coordonate the two sides

What is Quad Four Rowing?

When there is a boat with four people and they each have two sculling oars so in total there are eight oars

How is rowing played?

Rowing is 'played' by racing boats agaisnt each other. In some races called "head races" the boats are set off one after the other and the boat that wins is the boat with the fastest time in a category. In regattas, the boats are raced in lanes and so it is whoever finishes the race first. There are also indoor rowing competitions where lots of people gather and compete on rowing machines (ergos) and depending on what their race is the winner is whoever got the greatest distance or the fastest time. There are many differnet categories for age, gender, weight and type of boat so each race is fair.

In rowing the boat is driven by what?

Either oars OR people power.

What is small rowing boat called?

The smallest rowing sweep boat (one oar per person) is a pair with 2 people, one person rowing each side. The smallest rowing sculling boat (2 oars per person) is a single, one person rowing both sides. Source: I am a rower B)

What is sweep rowing?

"sweep rowing" is a type of rowing stroke. A sweep oar boat is where each rower has only one oar, on alternate sides down the boat, and a sculling boat is one where each rower has 2 oars, one in each hand. A sweep rowing boat can hold 1, 2, 4 or 8 rowers, and a sculling boat can hold 1, 2 or 4.

What are the different kinds of sculling?

There is sweep rowing where each rower has one oar either to the right or the left, and usually involves fours, eights, or pairs. Both fours and eights have a coxswain. The other type of rowing is sculling in which each rower will have two oars, that are smaller. Sculling boats are normally singles, pairs, and quads.

How do you stop the oars on a rowing boat?

stop rowing

What boat can be rowed?

canoe and rowing boat

How much does a rowing boat weigh?

A typical rowing boat can weigh between 30 to 60 pounds, depending on its size and materials used in construction.

What is a long narrow boat called?

In rowing, a boat propelled by oars is normally called a shell. Based on how many people are using the boat, and eight has eight rowers, a four has four rowers with one oar each and a quad has four rowers with 2 oars each. A pair has two rowers with one oar each while a double has two rowers with two oars each. A single has one rower with two oars in it.