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Q: Can you put yourself in check to force checkmate?
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Can you put yourself in check?

yes you may. it is a mistake made many people but yes u can put yourself in check

In chess can you move into checkmate?

No. You may not move INTO check. If that is the only move available, it would then depend whether or not you are already in check. If you are in check and cannot move to a square where you are not in check, it is checkmate, the game is over, and you have lost. If you are not in check, but cannot move without going into check, and you have no other piece or pawn that can move, then it is stalemate, and the game is a draw.

What is the maximum checkmates in chess?

There are several chess rules related to this question. First, no number of consecutive checks automatically creates a checkmate. Second, there is only one limit to the length of a game without a checkmate, called the 50-move rule. You could put your opponent in check 49 times without a checkmate, but on the 50th move (assuming there has been no pawn move or capture) the game is a stalemate (a draw). Third, many checkmates occur the very first time the enemy king is placed in check. Fourth, there is a rule called "perpetual check". If you can show that no matter what your opponent does, you can again put him in check every move, you can call a stalemate (draw). This is a useful rule if you have a big disadvantage but the enemy king is exposed.

What do people say at the endof a chess game?

they would say checkmate if the king is trapped and cant get out that usually wins the game

Can you checkmate someone in chess with your king?

It is possible to checkmate with a queen against two bishops, just as it is possible to checkmate with two bishops against a queen. However, in perfect endgame play, two bishops versus a queen, without any other pieces on the board is a draw, given that 1. The bishops cannot take the queen or vice versa 2. There are no tactics with which the queen can force a capture of the bishop in a few moves 3. There are no extenuating circumstances where either side has to give up a piece to avoid checkmate. In other words, if the king is in or near the center defending both of the bishops and the opposing queen is not in the bishops' line of fire, the game is a theoretical draw.

Can you take a checked chess peace?

In normal chess rules, the only piece that can be "checked" ... put in check ... is the opposing King. Technically, the King is never actually "taken", but rather put in checkmate; a state in which it is in check and no legal move to get it out of check exists. The game ends at this point, so there's little point in actually "taking" the King.

What text should you put on the back of your personal check to make sure the settlement is closed if you choose to pay off the claim yourself?

Nothing you put on the check will matter.

Can a king kill in check?

You cannot capture opposite king in chess. You can attack him with check, and your opponent should immediately defend it. If the opponent has no way to defend, it is checkmate and you are awarded victory of the game.

How many checks do you have to make to kill a king?

You don't take/kill a king in chess. You have to put it into checkmate, ie, there are no moves the opponent can make with any piece, to take the king out of check. When this happens, the game is over.

What is an example of stalemate?

A stalemate occurs when one player's king is not in check, but has no legal moves left. Most often this occurs when a player's king is not in check but the player's only available move would put the king in check. Since the rules forbid a player from moving the king into check, the player has no legal moves remaining. But since the king is not "in check" it is not a checkmate.

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Put ur finger down ur throut to force yourself to barf

Can a king checkmate with a king?

No. It is logically impossible to checkmate the opposing king with a pinned piece. Checkmate can occur only after a player moves one of his pieces to put the opposing king in check. Since the "pinned piece" is pinned and cannot move, it is incapable of checkmating the other king. In the case of discovered check it is possible for a pinned piece to checkmate. It is possible nevertheless to mate with a direct check using a piece that becomes pinned as a result of the move. Here is a position, with white to move: k7/7R/K3b3/1Q6/8/8/8/8 (for those who do not understand this antiquated notation, white has Ka6, Rh7, Qb5, and black has Ka8, Be6) white black 1 Rh8 † Bc8 † 2 Qb7†† Black, on move 1, blocks white's rook check along the last rank. In doing so he checks white's king on a6, and it is a legitimate check, even though the bishop is pinned. When white then interposes the queen to block the bishop check, the black king is in a mated position. His bishop cannot capture the pinned queen, because it is itself pinned! And the white queen does in fact threaten the black king because she would capture it before the black bishop had opportunity to capture the white king.