There are several Chess rules related to this question.
First, no number of consecutive checks automatically creates a checkmate.
Second, there is only one limit to the length of a game without a checkmate, called the 50-move rule. You could put your opponent in check 49 times without a checkmate, but on the 50th move (assuming there has been no pawn move or capture) the game is a stalemate (a draw).
Third, many checkmates occur the very first time the enemy king is placed in check.
Fourth, there is a rule called "perpetual check". If you can show that no matter what your opponent does, you can again put him in check every move, you can call a stalemate (draw). This is a useful rule if you have a big disadvantage but the enemy king is exposed.
Chess boxing is a sport in which competitors play 5min of chess and then 1 round of boxing. The winner either knocks out their opponent or checkmates them.
Type your answer here ... if the opponent dosent checkmates in 50 moves it is a draw
Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati: An amazing special kid from India has invented maximum Circular chess variants. He is a kid of 10.5 years suffering from fatal disease and has invented 3 types of Circular chess boards, which had led to 100 chess variants inventions and that took his country to top position in Chess variants inventions.
The Practice - 1997 Checkmates 4-14 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12
Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati: An amazing special kid from India has invented maximum Circular or Cylindrical chess variants. He is a kid of 10.5 years suffering from fatal disease and has invented 3 types of Circular chess boards, which had led to 100 chess variants inventions and that took his country to top position in Chess variants inventions.
Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati from India
Bobby Stevens of the Original Checkmates Ltd did not die. I am Bobby Stevens and I am Alive & Well & living in California. Likewise, it my new novel "The Death of America" as well as many of the albums that I and the original Checkmates Ltd recorded. So, I for one Bobby Stevens & the Checkmates Ltd did not die.
The warden is the king and Hadley is they queen. Every other guards are other chess pieces. On the other side, Andy is the king, Red is the queen. Everyone else in the gang are other pieces. They two sides work together until conflict arise, but Andy checkmates the Warden near the end.
As many as possible.
The Practice - 1997 Checkmates 4-14 was released on: USA: 13 February 2000 Hungary: 22 July 2010
Checkmating someone in chess depends on your opponents moves as well as your own. There are far to many combinations of moves available to give you a step by step guide in 14 moves. The minimal amount of moves I know how to make a checkmate is 4 moves using your queen and right side bishop & the single pawn blocking both of their paths.