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You don't take/kill a king in Chess. You have to put it into checkmate, ie, there are no moves the opponent can make with any piece, to take the king out of check. When this happens, the game is over.

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Q: How many checks do you have to make to kill a king?
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Can a king kill a king to get out of check?

No, if a white king for an example checks a black king, then that white king is in check because of the white king. That means that a king can never be checked by a king. Think of it as a forcefield, neither king can come within a 1 square range of the other. The only possible way a king could check another is if it was blocking the path of one of its own pieces that would be checking the opponent's king, and the king moved to unblock the path. This is called a discovered check.

How many jumps can a king make in checkers?

The rules allow a king to make as many jumps as there are pieces that legally can be taken.

Why might you conclude that Macbeth's character is not all bad?

Because he hesitates to kill the king and provides many reasons why he shouldn't kill him.

Do banks keep a record of personal checks on your account from another bank?

No, you make many transactions they no know.

How many different check designs can I pick from on checksunlimited?

On the Checksunlimited page, there are many categories of checks to choose from. On personal checks alone, there are Best Selling Checks, Classic Checks, Home and Garden Checks, Desk Sets and Side Tear Checks. In total of the personal checks there are 90 different designs for checks to choose from.

Did King Tutankhamun ever kill any body?

Yes many people who he didn't like.

Why are civet cats enemies of king cobras?

King cobras do not have many predators but the civet cat is one of them. The civet cat can sneak up behind and kill a king cobra quickly.

How many people does Marijuana kill?

Zero. Marijuana will not kill you in its own right but it can kill if you drive impaired or make other impaired decisions.