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If the ball strikes the bat handle and then the hands it is a foul ball. If the ball strikes the batter on the hands he is awarded first base, provided the pitch is not in the strike zone and the batter has made an attempt to avoid the ball. A batter is not entitled to first base if he is hit with a pitch while attempting to hit the ball.

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12y ago

It's a strike and you are not awarded first.

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11y ago

If the ball hits any part of your person, in the course of a swing, it is considered a strike. If it hits the bat after hitting your hand, it is a foul ball.

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4y ago

you get a strike

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Q: When at bat is it a foul ball if the batter is hit by the pitch on the hands?
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Batter hits a pitch and the ball bounces and hits the batter is he out?

it depends on the situation. If the count is two strikes then it is an out because if the batter is insied the box then it is a fould ball and a two strike foul ball on a bunt attempt is an out. If there is one strike or zero strikes then the batter can be called out or a foul ball. If he is still in the batter's box and the ball touches him then it is a fould ball but if the batter is outside the batter's box and the ball touches him, then he is out.

If a batter is hit by a pitch after the ball hits his bat while trying to get out of the way of the pitch and not swinging or bunting at it does the batter go to first base?

No. If the ball hits the batter's bat first there can be no call of hit by pitched ball. Added: It is actually a foul ball and a strike.

What happens when a fly ball hits the Foul pole?

It is a foul ball and runners return to the base they occupied at the time of the pitch. If the batter has less than two strikes, it is a strike. If the batter has two strikes, it remains two strikes, unless the batter was bunting, in which case the batter is out.

Is the batter out if he inadvertently make contact with a slow rolling ball in foul territory?

If the ball is in fair territory, the fact that the fielder is standing in foul territory does NOT make the ball foul. the same as if a ball is foul, the fielder standing in fair territory doesn't make the ball fair.

What would the scorebook of a batted ball hitting the batter be?

HBP by first base...Another answer: HBP (Hit By Pitch) would only apply to a pitched ball, not a batted ball.If a batted ball hits the batter while the ball is in foul territory, it is simply a foul ball. If a batted ball hits the batter while the ball is in fair territory, it would be scored as an out by interference with the catcher being credited with the putout.

If a batter hits a ball and it goes over the third base bag but lands foul is this a fair or foul ball?

A ground ball its fair. A fly ball is foul.

Is the batter out if a batted ball hits him as he's running to first base?

If the batter is outside the batter's box, and is in fair territory when the ball hits them, then yes they are out. If they are in the box, or in foul territory when the ball hits them, it is just a foul ball.

When a batter is hitting foul after foul after foul. Is the batter doing this on purpose to work the pitcher?

A Baseball player hitting foul after foul is done more so to stay alive (not strike out) then to work the pitcher ... You have to keep in mind that the batter him self is using up energy to hit the ball foul ... The batter would rather get a hit then repetitively hitting the ball foul ...

What happens when a batter has two strikes and swings and tips the next pitch?

If the catcher catches the tip the batter is out. If the catcher does not catch the tip, it counts as a foul ball and the batter continues at bat.

Does a foul tip go faster than the pitch?

It depends on the type of foul tip. If you cause the ball to spin fast on a foul tip it will speed up, if you change the spin of the ball it will slow down. With this said, pitchers in baseball generally put "top spin" on their pitches meaning it is spinning forward -- so if the batter swings underneath the ball and foul tips it, then the ball will speed up as the spin will go faster after contact with the bat. If the batter swings over top of the ball and foul tips it, then the ball will slow down more then likely as it will cause the spin of the ball to change to "back spin" Now in the eyes of the field the spins will be opposite.. when a batter hits the ball in play but swings under the ball it will put backspin on the ball for the fielder, if he swings on top of the ball it will cause "top spin" -- that is why ground balls and line drivers are generally traveling faster then the pitch did, and fly balls travel slower then the pitch

What is a foul tip in base ball?

A foul tip is where the batter has just barely made contact with the ball with his bat and hits in foul territory.

A batter is in the batters box the pitcher throws and the batter hits the ball into his foot and the ball goes foul but what is the call?

its a dead ball and a strike, but not strike 3, just like a foul.