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Q: In slow pitch softball if you foul the ball with two strikes are you out?
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Can a softball player get a strike if the ball is hit into false territory?

A foul can count as a strike if there is not two strikes. I f your fist pitch is a foul, that's strike one. If you get a strike first and then foul, that's strike two. Or if you gettwo fouls in a row with no strikes, that's strike one and two. If you have two strikes (no matter how you got them) you cannot strike out on a foul. So if you do foul in that situation, it does not count as anything and your pitch count remains the same.

Can you get a foul in softball?

You can not get a foul but you can hit a foul ball when the ball is hit outside of the lines.

Is a foul ball is counted as a strike?

The first two foul balls count as strikes 1 and 2. After that, it is not a strike.

When at bat is it a foul ball if the batter is hit by the pitch on the hands?

If the ball strikes the bat handle and then the hands it is a foul ball. If the ball strikes the batter on the hands he is awarded first base, provided the pitch is not in the strike zone and the batter has made an attempt to avoid the ball. A batter is not entitled to first base if he is hit with a pitch while attempting to hit the ball.

What are the fouls in a softball game?

When a batter hits a ball but it goes outside the white lines (these line up with 3rd and 1st base)it is called a "foul ball" and it counts as a strike. However if the batter already has 2 strikes it does not count as anything because you can not "strike out" on a foul ball. You cannot have a foul ball on a bunt attempt if you have two strikes, however, as that is considered an out.

What are different ways a person can be fouled in softball?

if you hit a foul ballif you pitch a ball that doesnt enter the strike zonefoul play

What happens when a fly ball hits the Foul pole?

It is a foul ball and runners return to the base they occupied at the time of the pitch. If the batter has less than two strikes, it is a strike. If the batter has two strikes, it remains two strikes, unless the batter was bunting, in which case the batter is out.

Is a foul ball counted as a strike in softball?

strike zone is a conceptual three dimensional right angle pentagonal prism over home plate which defines the boundaries through which a pitch must pass in order to count as a strike when the batter does not swing or swings and miss.

Can you steal on a strike in softball?

You certainly may. A base-runner may leave the bag as soon as the pitcher releases the ball.

Can a base umpire make a call on a ball hitting the batter in the box without an appeal from the plate umpire?

What help would be needed? In fastpitch softball it is legal to hit a pitch that touchs the ground 1st. In slo-pitch, then the ruling should be a foul ball. ---- It is also completely legal in MLB and little league baseball as well. In USSSA softball, if a pitched ball strikes the ground before crossing home plate not only can the batter legally hit the ball, but any runners on base may immediately leave their base and run toward the next base. If the batter does not swing and hit the ball, it is called a ball and the runners must return to their bases.

Is foul ball counted as a strike?

It depends on how the game is being played. Most of the time, foul balls don't count as a strike; you can hit a ton of foul balls while you're up to bat and it won't matter. If you're playing a strict game of baseball, though, if you go up to bat and hit two foul balls, they count as strikes. Then, if you miss the ball or whatever, that would be your third strike. And you're out. :) Foul balls count as strikes when every the batter does not have two strikes, once a batter gets two strikes foul balls are no longer counted as strikes.

In softball and you are in your stance and the pitcher throws the ball and hits your bat without you swinging is that a foul ball?

no. because you have to swing for it to be a foul ball .its really a strike