Almost any shaft but on some you need to tape it on. All shafts fit on a brine clutch and the best shafts are totally preference
the brine clutch head will fit on any brine lacrosse shafts. I have the Clutch on my brine swizzebeat. i recommended this shaft its is light gripy and cheap. it is only 80 dollars
get the clutch. cause if u have a deuce why would u get another the answer is good but i have the clutch and i love it get the clutch
ya it should fit fine cuz i have the brine answer for a head and a warrior hero composite for a shaft. it works fine but im getn the brine swizzle shaft soon so ya
The brine clutch! No doubt about it. The brine clutch! The stx18 sucks.
Yes, I have a Warrior Mojo head on my Brine Swizzbeat Shaft and I love it. So if your going to try this out, then yes it will work.
It shouldn't matter. Any head should fit on any shaft
Yes. You may need to drill a pilot hole into the shaft to affix the head.
Brine Clutch
I'm pretty sure any boys head will fit on any boys shaft and any girls head will fit on any girls shaft
yes, i have a stx head on a brine shaft. yes, i have a stx head on a brine shaft.
I am pretty sure it does because brine heads fit on warrior shafts, so they should be the same size