BB stands for "Base on Balls". It refers to when a batter receives four pitches determined by the umpire as balls before the Baseball is either put into play or receives three strikes. In such a case the batter earns a free base and can walk to first base. The batter has received a base on balls.
Yes, he does. A batter is walked as a result of gaining four balls, or bad pitches. After getting four balls, they are allowed to walk to first base.
According to Major League Baseball rule 2.0: A BASE ON BALLS is an award of first base granted to a batter who, during his time at bat, receives four pitches outside the strike zone.
When a batter receives four pitches that the umpire calls balls, and is then entitled to reach first base without the possibility of being called out.
When a baseball batter walks it means that they received four pitches that were called balls by the umpire. The official term is base on balls. They call it a walk because the batter walks to first base. You only advance one base at a time when there is a walk. That means if there is already a runner on first base when the batter walks, that person advances only to second base. There is also an intentional walk where the pitcher intentionally throws four balls in order to put the runner on first base. This is used as strategy.
A ball occurs when the pitcher throws a pitch outside the strike zone and the batter does not swing at it. Should this occur four times during a plate appearance, the batter is allowed to advance to first base on what is called a base on balls, or walk.
No the ball is dead as soon as it hits the batter, no runners may advance more than one base.
The batter can make an attempt to reach first, but if the ball is fouled off by the batter, the batter is out (strike out).
A ball occurs when the pitcher throws a pitch outside the strike zone and the batter does not swing at it. Should this occur four times during a plate appearance, the batter is allowed to advance to first base on what is called a base on balls, or walk.
In a normal Base On Balls call, the catcher wouldn't have to throw the ball. If it's a passed ball or a wild pitch, the batter is still awarded first base and can't do anything else. If there are other runners and they try to advance and the batter interferes after that, he is certainly called out and the runner will have to go back to the base he started from. But on a normal base on balls, the ball is dead and the runners would only advance if they were forced and the catcher wouldn't have to throw the ball anywhere except to the pitcher.
first base
When a batter is walked, they can only go to first base at first. Once they are on first base and the next batter is up to bat, they can steal, or advance on a base hit.