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According to Major League Baseball rule 2.0: A BASE ON BALLS is an award of first base granted to a batter who, during his time at bat, receives four pitches outside the strike zone.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Base on ball is also known as a walk. This occurs when the pitcher throws 4 balls to a batter. In this situation the batter gets to automatically advance to first base

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βˆ™ 9y ago

A base-on-balls is an instance in Baseball where the batter is allowed to go directly to first base, due to the opposing pitcher delivering four balls.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

A base on balls is an instance in baseball where the batter is allowed to go directly to base without the possibility of being out, due to the pitcher delivering four balls.

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Q: What is a baseline in softball?
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What are girls high school fast pitch softball baselines?

Each baseline is 60 feet in softball. i hope i answered that correctly. : ))

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1 Stay in the baseline 2 when you play fast pitch you will need a fast pitch bat 3 when you are in the field stay out of the baseline

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There was a baseline for software construction in company. This is an example sentence containing baseline word.

How big is the singles court?

The baseline is 27 feet wide. To walk from the baseline to the net, it's 39 feet. That means from baseline to baseline, it is 78 feet.

How far is it from baseline to baseline?

94 ft in the NBA.

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A performance measurement baseline typically includes the cost baseline, schedule baseline, and scope baseline. The cost baseline details the project's budget, the schedule baseline outlines project milestones and deadlines, and the scope baseline defines the project's deliverables and requirements. These baselines serve as a reference for measuring and comparing actual project performance.

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What is a baseline give two examples of baseline in software engineering?

i have no ans

Why did they name softball softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

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what does the term sugar baseline mean and how is it determined for a person

What is the court of softball?

Softball is played on a softball field or it is often referred to as a diamond.

In softball is bunting in a 16 softball illegal?

No, bunting in 16U softball is not illegal.