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Since 1st and 3rd base coaches must remain outside the foul lines on the field of play, any ball that hits a base coach is, by definition, foul.

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Q: Is a ball fair or foul it it hits a base coach?
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If a ball lands foul and roles in bounds is it foul?

If the ball lands foul past first or third base the ball is foul regardless of where it rolls. If the ball lands foul before first/third base and rolls fair before first/third base, the ball is fair. If the ball lands foul before first/third base and rolls foul past first/third base, the ball is foul. If the ball is touched while it is in foul territory before reaching first or third base it is considered foul and vise versa if it is touched in fair territory. Otherwise whether it is fair or foul is determined by where the ball stops. ** if the ball hits any part of 1st or 3rd base it is a fair ball

If a batted ball rolls over a corner of a base then goes foul before going completely over is it fair or foul?

Fair. If the ball hits the bag [base] first then goes foul it is fair

If a ball is hit and hits third base then defelets into foul ground is it a fair or foul ball?


If a ball is hit a hits the base but does not cross it is the ball fair or fowl?

if it stayed fair its fair if it went foul its foul

If a batter hits a ball and it goes over the third base bag but lands foul is this a fair or foul ball?

A ground ball its fair. A fly ball is foul.

When the ball hits the ground outside the baseline before it clears 1st base is it fair or foul?

The ball has to hit the ground in fair territory past the base before crossing the foul line for it to be fair. Even if the ball bounces in fair territory, if it crosses the foul line before it passes the base it's a foul ball.

If a ball rolls foul then hits right corner of 1st base then rolls in after 1st base is it fair or foul?

As soon as the ball touches first base, it is a fair ball, regardless of what happens after that.

If a fair fly ball is deflected over a fence into foul territory what is the call?

If the ball first lands in foul territory, then it is a foul ball. If the ball lands in fiar territory and rolls into the foul territory after first base, it's a fair ball. - So, if the ball is in the air in fair territory and drifts to foul after first base still in the air, makes first contact with the ground in foul territory, it's a foul ball.

In baseball if a ball is picked up by the fielder while it is on the foul line before it reaches 3rd base it is a fair ball?

Yes, the entire line is in fair territory.

If a batted ball hits foul but drifts fair and crosses over the 1st base bag is it fair or foul?


Is it fair or foul if a ball bounces over first or third into foul ground?

it will be ruled fairAnswerIt it rolls fair before third base an no one's touched it before it does, it's a fair ball. It would be foulfurther clarification:If the ball hits or rolls into 3rd base it would also be a fair ball

If a ball is hit between first and home and hits fair territory first then goes foul before passing first base is the ball considered fair or foul?

That ball would be considered foul. For a ball that passes first or third base to be fair, it must be between the baselines when it passes first or third base.