Kansas City
Contestants on deal or no deal do know ahead of time that they will be picked
He was before he picked up smoking.
they will probably rot before they ripen
Weight, Height, and where he was picked in the draft.
He was a pimp && picked up protsitutes.=what a man:)=
the champions from they year before.
He picked his nose.
Cotton is currently picked by machine. They used to have slaves pick the cotton in the south by hand. You seem to have forgotton the people (both white & black) that picked cotton after the slaves & before the cotton picking machines.
In the same way the signla from your local DAB radio station reaches you. The signals are broadcast from aerials, which are picked up by the mobile phone.
The answer depends on how many cards are picked, whether they are picked at random, from what sort of pack, and whether or not cards are replaced before the next one is picked. The probability that a single card, picked at random from a regular 52 card deck is red, is 0.5
It depends who's doing the picking. I have picked, you have picked, they have picked, we have picked; but he / she / someone (named) / something has picked.