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What help would be needed? In fastpitch softball it is legal to hit a pitch that touchs the ground 1st. In slo-pitch, then the ruling should be a foul ball. ---- It is also completely legal in MLB and little league Baseball as well.

In USSSA softball, if a pitched ball strikes the ground before crossing home plate not only can the batter legally hit the ball, but any runners on base may immediately leave their base and run toward the next base. If the batter does not swing and hit the ball, it is called a ball and the runners must return to their bases.

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15y ago

if it bounces fair and stays far its fair if it went foul and stayed foul it foul... if it hit the plate and hit the batter while he was in the batters box its foul if it hit him out of the batters box he is out

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Yes they can.

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Q: Can a base umpire make a call on a ball hitting the batter in the box without an appeal from the plate umpire?
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Why cant a batter appeal a check swing?

yes to a 3rd base umpire or a 1st base umpire but right after the check swing

Can you appeal a call by the home plate umpire?

Yes, there are three ways that an appeal can be called that I can think of off-hand. The most common appeal is when a batter makes an attempt at a pitch, but holds up at the last second, called a "Check Swing." Since the home plate umpire's priority is to see where the ball is pitched, he usually doesn't have a good view of the batter's check-swing. When he makes his call, either the catcher or the batter can make an appeal to the first or third base umpire. The umpire on the baseline can clearly see if the batter has swung past the plate or not. Another appeal is called if a ball appears that it could or could not have been a home run. In this case, the manager can appeal the call, forcing the umpires to get together and view the play on instant replay. The third newest appeal is when a close play is made and the manager does not agree that the umpire made the right call. He can appeal and the umpires will check the instant replay to see if the appeal is successful. This appeal is a one-time deal for each manager. If the appeal is successful, the call is reversed and the manager may still appeal again. If the appeal is not successful, the call stays and the manager loses his right to appeal again on a close play. He may still appeal on home run calls.

What is the exact time does a umpire can take to answer for an appeal?

The umpire will take more than 3sec and less than 5sec to answer the bowlers appeal.

What is the definition of appeal in the softball terminolo0gy?

In Softball, just like Baseball, the home-plate umpire is the highest umpire and makes most of the final decisions. A good example of an appeal would be: Pitcher pitches a ball out of the strike zone. The batter checks their swing and the home plate umpire calls a ball. The catcher thinks the batter may have went around with the bat, so the catcher then appeals the call by asking either the umpire on 1st or 3rd (depending on whether the batter is left- or right-handed) for their judgment, since they are able to see clearly whether the batter went around or not. Although the Home Plate Umpire made the call, the other umpire now has the ability to overrule his call if it, indeed, was a strike. If the call is not appealed, the other umpire is not allowed to overrule the call, even if it is wrong.

What is appeal in cricket?

If a bowler thinks the batsmen is out he could appeal to the umpire for out. This is called appeal. The bowler shouts "how is that?".

What is the request called for the the umpire to give out in cricket?


If a bowler thinks the batsmen is out he could appeal to the umpire for out This is called appeal The bowler shouts out was that?

The bowler can appeal by saying howazat, aaaarr, how is he?, how is someone?, how is that one?, ar ar ar ar ar, oooouuuutttt! or "My dear umpire sir, is that out?"

How can a player get to 1st base without hitting a ball?

Most if not all players have gotten to first base without hitting the ball. Most if not all receive a 'walk' (pitcher throws four pitches that are called balls by the umpire) and some have been hit by the ball thrown by the pitcher. In either case, the batter gets to take first base without ever hitting the ball.

Can a player appeal any base?

A defensive player can appeal to the umpire that a runner missed touching any base.

Does an umpire have to accept a half swing appeal from the defensive team?


Does batter need to touch first when hit by pitch if it forces in winning run?

Ball is dead, and the umpire can not resume play until all runners are at their bases, so even an appeal would be hard to do.

How long does a batter have when the umpire says Batter up?

The MLB Rule says:6.02(a): The batter shall take his position in the batter's box promptly when it is his time at bat.6.02(c): If the batter refuses to take his position in the batter's box during his time at bat, the umpire shall order the pitcher to pitch, and shall call "Strike" on each such pitch.So there's no rule that says how long the batter has to step into the batter's box, only that he do it "promptly." But as an umpire, I can tell you the umpire will not put up with much messing around on the batter's part. If he tells the batter to step in, and he doesn't, the batter will get penalized.