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You certainly may. A base-runner may leave the bag as soon as the pitcher releases the ball.

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12y ago

you can steal on a over throw but you cant steal on a foul ball. A foul ball is a dead ball and the ball is not live again until the next pitch.

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Q: Can you steal on a strike in softball?
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Can you steal more than 1 base at a time in girls softball?

Yes, You can steal three bases in fast pitch softball. You can not steal first.

When will a runner get a strike in softball?

A runner doesn't get a strike, a batter does.

What is an out in softball?

It's when you strike out tag out or throw out

Is it ok to steal home in girls softball?


In machine pitch softball can a runner steal a base?


What is the stike of softball?

A strike in softball is when a pitcher pitches a softball to the batter [located in the batter box in front of the catcher] and the batter misses. When it is a strike, it is thrown in a particular area from the batter's armpits to the bottom of their knees.

Can you steal a base in slow pitch softball?

Slow pitch softball has "closed bases," which means the runners cannot leave their base until the ball reaches the plate. But they can steal then.

How long does it take to steal on a softball field?

Depends on how fast you are..

Difference between walk and strike on the softball game?

In softball, the batter can be walked, strikeout, or they can get a hit. Walks are caused by the batter accumulating 4 balls. A ball is a pitch thrown outside of the strike zone. A strike is a pitch thrown inside the strike zone. A batter can get a strike by either swinging and missing the ball, or they can get a strike from not swinging at a strike within the strike zone.

When can you steal home in softball?

Whenever you would like to take the chance.

What are the zones called in softball?

Strike Zone The strike zone is from the knee to shoulder of the batting softball player. The strike zone also extends as wide as a normal swing. A strike is called if the ball passes through the strike zone and reaches the catcher. The softball umpire will also call a strike if a batter swings and misses at a pitch outside the strike zone. Three strikes result in a batter being called out by the softball umpire. A ball is called for all pitches that miss the strike zone. Four balls allow a batter to walk to first base uncontested. Outfield These 3 zones are short, middle, and long. In the outfield.

What is the three strike rule?

If you are talking about baseball/softball, then no, on the 3rd strike called by the umpire, the player/batter is out.