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If you swing and miss and the ball hits you, it is a strike and a live ball.

If you swing and the bat makes contact with the ball and the ball hits you while you're in the batter's box, it is a foul ball and a dead ball.

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Q: If you swing and ball hits you is the ball live or dead?
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In kids' pitch is it a dead ball if it hits the ground before it hits the batter?

In regular baseball rules, the ball is still live, even if it hits the ground first, until it hits the batter, then it becomes a "dead ball". If it never hits the batter, its still a live ball.

What is the rule when a batter hits a ball then the ball hits the batter and there are runners in first and second baseis this a dead ball or live?

it is a foul.

If pitch hits ground in fastpitch baseball then hits the batter does he go to first?

A pitched ball can hit the ground before crossing home-plate. In most cases the batter would not swing and the pitch would be called a ball. But, if the batter decides the swing, the ball is still in play after hitting the ground and the batter may not hit the ball and receive a strike, or he may foul the ball, or hit a base-hit.

Team A punts to team B the ball hits ground after punt can team A catch ball then toss ball to ground is it live or dead ball?

It is not a dead ball until someone downs (touches) it.

If a ball hits a piece of a broken bat in fair territory is it a dead ball live ball or an out?

It is a live ball. If the batter reaches first base safely, it is a hit. If the batter is thrown out a first, it's an out.

If the pitched ball hits the umpire is it a dead ball?

The ball is dead whenever the umpire calls "time", whenever it goes out of play, when it becomes a foul ball, whenever a pitch hits a batter, or whenever a batted ball hits a runner (and a few other circumstances). It doesn't matter whether the pitcher has it or not. On the other hand, it can't be put back _in play_ until the pitcher has it and is on the rubber.

Is a ball hittable if it skips off the ground?

A pitched baseball that hits the ground is a live ball, therefore you may swing at it. If you miss, it is a strike. If you hit it foul, it is a foul ball. If you hit it fair, whatever play results is legal.

Softball hits umpire in fair territory?

if the umpire is inside the base path, then it is a dead ball... no pitch --- if the umpire is outside the base paths then it is a live ball

Is the ball alive or dead when hitting a runner in fair territory?

It depends. Is the ball being thrown or is it hit. If it's hit off the bat and hits a base runner it's a dead ball and the runner is out if the ball has not passed a fielder. If the ball has already passed a fielder then the ball is live and the runner is not out. It is as if it never happened. If it hits the runner when it is thrown it is perceived as if it never hit the runner.

Is ball dead if it hits coach in coaches box?


Is a tipped ball directly into the catcher's mitt live or dead?


What is a deadball in softball?

A dead ball is when the play stops for one reason or another.A live ball becomes dead when: The ball touches an antenna or touches the net outside the part of the net directly above the sidelines.The ball does not cross the net completely WITHIN the antennas.The ball hits the floor, wall, curtain, or backboard.The ball hits the ceiling and lands on the defending team's side.A player commits a fault.A served ball contacts an object (wall, antenna).The first or second referee blows a whistle, for whatever reason.