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It is not a dead ball until someone downs (touches) it.

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Team A cannot have possesion of the ball. Ball is dead after it reaches ground

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Q: Team A punts to team B the ball hits ground after punt can team A catch ball then toss ball to ground is it live or dead ball?
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When a team punts the ball how long is the kicker protected?

Dont care.

If a team punts the ball and the ball strikes an unaware member of the return team and does not come in contact with the ground before the kicking team gets possession who's ball is it?

The kicking team, this happened last Sunday in the Panthers-Redskins game-

What determines whether a goalie kicks or punts the ball?

If the ball goes wholly and completely over the goal line - but NOT in the goal - and is last touched by the attacking team - it is a goal kick from the 6 yard line. If the goalie catches the ball and controlls it off of the ground - then he can then throw or punt it - it is his choice!! And if the goalie accidentally throws or punts it into his own goal - it is NOT a goal - it is a corner kick - because goalie punts are indirect and must touch another player before going into ANY goal!!!! If the goalie punts it and it bounces off another player and THEN goes it his own goal - it is a goal!!!!!

What happens if the kicker punts the ball and hits one of the kicking team behind the scrimmage line?

Turnover on downs and other teams ball where it was touched.

Is it a goal if keeper team A punts the ball into other team's penalty box and forward for A runs pass team B and kick the ball over B keeper with the team B not touching the ball?

Assuming the Team A forward was in an onside position at the exact instant of the punt, then a goal would be awarded.

Can you fair catch a kick off in the NFL?

Yes. Any kick, punt or kickoff, can be fair caught. One major difference between fair catching a punt and fair catching a kickoff is that the kickoff is a free kick. Where a punt returner deep in his own territory may call for a fair catch and let the ball bounce on the ground in the hope that the ball will bounce into the end zone for a touchback, the kick returner must catch the ball due to the fact that a kickoff is a free kick and the team that recovers a free kick is awarded possession of the ball.

Is it a catch when the receiver catches the ball gets 2 feet in has possession then hits ground out of bounds and drops ball?

It depends on the level of play. In Highschool: Yes as long as he had possession and 1 foot in bounds, it's a catch. In NCAA and NFL: There is a concept of the 'process of the catch', which basically means that if a player catches a ball and lands inbounds and immediately goes out of bounds (without making some sort of football action), then he must maintain possession of the ball through the whole process of the catch (which includes landing on the ground and even movement on the ground for a few seconds). If you really want to see how difficult this 'process of the catch' is, consider the following scenarios: An offensive player (Team "A") catches the ball mid-air. A defensive player (Team "B") hits the player while he is still in the air air. The Team A player lands on the ground (two feet), then falls and hits his knees on the ground and while landing on his back, and still struggling with the Team B player: 1.) Team B player pops the ball out of the hands of the Team A player, and the ball hits the ground. 2.) Team B player rips the ball out of the hands of the Team A player, and gains possession a split second before both their backs are on the ground. What do you think will happen? 1.) Although the moment the Team "A" player's knees are on the ground, giving him possession of the ball, he doesn't "complete the process of the catch", so it is an incomplete pass. 2.) Because the 'process of the catch' is complete, the ball is dead where it is... HOWEVER, since the Team A player had possession when his knees hit the ground, he retains possession. So the 'process of the catch' seems a bit weird and may end up changing. In my scenario, it is better for a defender to knock a ball loose instead of taking possession himself, which is backwards to all other types of play. So this question is a good one, but is a lot deeper than most people realize. (For the record, I'm an NCAA deep wing official that verified the ruling above with multiple Division-2 & Division-1 NCAA officials, and an NFL official).

What happens when your team catches your punt?

Yes. You will see this happen when the punt is headed very close to the returner's end zone. Instead of the punt returner catching it and giving his team poor field position, like at the 5 or 10 yard line, he will usually let the punt hit the ground in the hopes that the ball will bounce into the end zone so a touchback will be called. In this case the ball would be brought out to the 20 yard line and the returner's team would go on offense. But if the punt team can get down fast enough, they are allowed to catch the ball as long as they do not interfere with the returner.

A sentence with the word catch?

She tried to catch the ball before it hit the ground.

Punter is associated with the game of?

football... the person who punts the ball

A play at the plate catcher drops the ball on the base runner not the ground and put it back in their glove is it a catch or a dropped ball?

its a catch