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A pitched Baseball that hits the ground is a live ball, therefore you may swing at it. If you miss, it is a strike. If you hit it foul, it is a foul ball. If you hit it fair, whatever play results is legal.

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Q: Is a ball hittable if it skips off the ground?
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Why volleyball called volleyball?

Volley means to keep something off the ground. In volleyball the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. So essentially volleyball "keep the ball off the ground". I hope this helped. :)

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What is a sentence with ricochat it?

first off it's ricochet. secondly: the ball will ricochet off of the ground.

What is golf stroke when you hit the ground before the ball?

A chunk, or people may say you caught it fat, or if it bounces off the ground then the club hits the ball it is known as a drop kick.

The ball in lacrosse can be blank off the ground?

What happens is the ball deforms which then flattens then returns to its normal shape which then makes it bounce. As for what happens rules-wise when the ball hits the ground, not a lot. The ball is on the ground for a fair portion of the game, which can lead to heavy contact when players vie for control of the ball.

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Because bullets are deadly!

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