The simplest way to make soft mesh into hard mesh is by wraping it in a towel and soaking it in water for 3-6 hours depending on how hard you want your mesh?
re-string it with hard mesh.
it will stiffen up - if you have soft mesh it will turn it to a colored hard mesh
Monster Mesh and Hard Mesh. Do not use soft mesh cause it can rip easily.
First, you get the pocket to the desired depth, then you spray it with hairspray. Use a hairdryer to dry it quickly than put the whole head in a freezer for 20-30 mins. this makes the mesh stiff. then leave it for about 1 hour to get used to the warmer temperature, then have fun with your new pocket! Enjoy.
Canadian mesh is twice as thick as hard mesh.
hard mesh soft mesh micro mini mesh 8 diamond 7 diamond 6 diamond 5 diamond Canadian mesh traditional mesh fresh mesh dura mesh sweet mesh (very very hard to find not sold online or really in stores yet)
marc mesh is softer then hard mesh it also is easier to break in and it is waterproof
Dura mesh fells like a broken in hard mesh. Also it wont change as much as a hard mesh when it gets wet.
soft wood is easy to cut but not good to make stuff and hard wood is hard to cut but good to make with
i would say 10 diamond mesh... just the regular. But when it comes to hard, soft, or semi-hard mesh it all depends on what you like and your skill level. Soft mesh is usually used for better cradling because it moves with the ball, and hard mesh is usually used for quick and fast release. hope this helped :)
hard water can be converted to soft water by boiling, filteration etc.