Yes, -3 bats (which signifies the oz compared to length of bat. ie 33inch 30oz bat is -3) These bats must now adhere to the bbcor rules on bat performance. Best bbcor bats on market are the Akadema Apocalypse, Rawlings 5150 and Easton Stealth.
In the MLB, they use wooden bats and are able to break easier. In college, they use drop 3 bb core's and they're also metal, it's also harder to break. If you want to look at the bats, go to and search bb core.
Most people would say so. High School and College requires -3 and maybe the lightest would be -5 in other 60 90 leagues, but you should use whatever you are comfortable with.
Yes, most high school leagues require -3, but rules can be different from league to league.
In baseball, '0 for 3' means a batter has 0 hits in 3 official at bats.
can u use a -3 aluminum bat in 13-15 babe ruth league play?
Yes, its the standard bat
2 20 minute halves this is basketball baseball is about 2.5 to 3 hours
In division 1 baseball, Nebraska beat Chicago State 50-3 in 1999
No...they are now banning aluminum bats for high schools in such states as New York because of how hard the baseball comes off the bat. If they were to use aluminum bats in the MLB, I guarantee you that there would have been at least 3 pitchers killed from line drives since 2005.
No, Highschool leagues allow only -3 bats.